Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

Well fook me dead I forgot to take photos again. Not much to see anyway ATM, just some average looking plants that got stunted early on. I had to give a guided tour of the dungeon to a good friend who's interested in growing.

I'll blame him, pics tomorrow.

^GSC 1. She's ok, very woody. Too much N in her ATM tho so she's just had water and cal tonight (few rusty spots), she's budding up ok tho.


^GSC 2. She's nice. Permanently hungry and thirsty tho, 1.5ml A&B, 1ml cal mag, 1ml explode. Sucking it up! [emoji16]

Here's the young Glueberry OG...
doing better since I stopped adding cal mag but she's lost a week or two. [emoji51]

Must remember what to do at seedling stage.

Team pics..

Overall they're alright, not gonna break any records but they're about the same as the widow was at this age and she did pretty well. I'm looking forward to getting the drippers on in a week and seeing what the result is a week later.

Blah blah blah.. the wife's talking to me and I keep typing what she's saying.. distracted.. arrrrgh..

Thanks for looking,

Ffs its that basement dude you must have little sleeper cells of the fuckers in your dungeon little shits the bad thing is I'm a scruffy grower shit everywhere all the things your not supposed to do and I've never had the fuckers (yet) ps not liking that post bloody bugs

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Ffs its that basement dude you must have little sleeper cells of the fuckers in your dungeon little shits the bad thing is I'm a scruffy grower shit everywhere all the things your not supposed to do and I've never had the fuckers (yet) ps not liking that post bloody bugs

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

It's thrips again bud. Apparently there's a lot of them around at the mo. I've seen posts about them on the local Worzel Facebook groups. My vent is just above ground level so it sucks the fuckers in and fires them at the plants! [emoji38]

I'm gonna re-do the ducting soon with a tight stretched over the entrance to stop the fuckerz.

Aww well, could be worse!