Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

How was your trip Vlad did you become one with the couch [emoji111]

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Seriously intense bud. I don't reckon you can trip out any more than that! We couldn't really do anything other than cling on and ride it out, pwoper giggling mess! [emoji38]
I drunk loads of beer and had half a tin of baked beans beforehand so the flatulence was off the scale, which was nice for everyone. 10 second long farts every 5mins.

Also Boris was making a nuisance of himself, leaping around biting everyone.

So, all in all... I wouldn't do 3g if I'm planning to leave the house cos I'd probably get run over or worse, it's fookin hardcore. 2g next time! [emoji1365][emoji265][emoji1360]
Seriously intense bud. I don't reckon you can trip out any more than that! We couldn't really do anything other than cling on and ride it out, pwoper giggling mess! [emoji38]
I drunk loads of beer and had half a tin of baked beans beforehand so the flatulence was off the scale, which was nice for everyone. 10 second long farts every 5mins.

Also Boris was making a nuisance of himself, leaping around biting everyone.

So, all in all... I wouldn't do 3g if I'm planning to leave the house cos I'd probably get run over or worse, it's fookin hardcore. 2g next time! [emoji1365][emoji265][emoji1360]
:crying::crying: that's what I was like last week couldn't even focus didn't smoke a joint till I could move without wobbling and focus properly its feckin great :smoking:
Loving the write up of the mushies lads, got me well game. You reckon they'd do well at a weekender, got one lined up this summer, was thinking could bring these to the well as the obvious.
Loving the write up of the mushies lads, got me well game. You reckon they'd do well at a weekender, got one lined up this summer, was thinking could bring these to the well as the obvious.

Yeah mate, just go steady on 'em, unless you don't mind people seeing you in a right fookin mess! 1.5g dry would do the trick for being in public IMO, you'll be off yer nut but not squirming around like a freak. Even munching 1g is a laugh. Really giggly with some pretty good visuals.

Tho to be fair, the amount of Ketamine that's about these days you'd probably fit in on 3g!
PLANTS. Quick pic update..


White Cheese in coco. She's loving life, really getting a gallop on. Let's not forget she spent two weeks being a runt in soil, it's like a totally different plant. A lot paler in colour than I'm used to but it's the same colour as Wilee's so I suppose that's ok. Ups the feed a lil bit today.


^ White Cheese in mud.. she's growing (a bit) but she's also showing the first signs of the dreaded def. She's also a week or two older than the coco plant so is about to flower. If it does finish it'll be a small yield.. [emoji848]


^ Baby Glueberry


^ Death row Gorilla Glue. [emoji51]