Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

E you are a realist. and 100% right. as long as earth developed life, since the first species, we have been observed.
I wish you would share your experience's. with us. people that come to this thread are believer's. this is why I started this thread. so people can talk about the obvious.
without feeling funny about talking about the most profound subject. ET is a game changer. people just have to admit it.

Ok, here goes.....

Setting: 1964 Country home, ours, no people close. Neighbors at least 1/4 mile apart. Our family, mom & dad, me & younger brother. Me, 7 years old, brother, one year & 8 months younger.

One warm summer nnight about 3am, my brother wakes up & finds me standing at bedroom window looking outside. Brother looks out & walks away toward the hallway & in toward the kitchen only a matter of 10 feet or so. Stops at kitchen doorway as mom comes from her bedroom after hearing us & asks my brother " what are you looking at" as he stands there looking. He says "the little man". "Look there he goes, behind the potato bin". Mom says" I don't see anything". Brother " look, behind the bin". She does & sees nothing. Brother insists that he is there so mom moves bin away from wall for him.
Nothing there. Mom walks us both back to bed as I had walked up behind them to see what they were doing. The next morning we find our 2 new baby ducks dead under dad's car.

I have questioned my brother only a few times about that night. Mostly he has said he didn't want to talk about it & I didn't pressure him about it after I saw the look on his face which seemed to me to be absolute terror. He did once tell me that the little man looked like he was made of smoke, like you could almost see thru him.

I have very odd memories of that night. I remember standing at the window looking out but have a fuzzy recollection of what saw. I was never sure exactly what it was or even recall much but, I have dreams of seeing an egg shaped object outside the bedroom window past our apple tree that we would climb all the time.

55 years later & my brother is very adamant about not talking about it anymore. I often wonder if he is still being visited! I, on the other hand am very very intrigued about UFO's & aliens. I can't get enough & always have been. I've seen a few objects in the sky & wondered what could it be.

My latest experience happened 6 tears ago. A masonic freind & I were coming home from another lodges meeting & as we were coming downhill I spotted something bright orange off to our left side and maybe 150 yards down the road we were on. My friend noticed me staring out past him, as he was driving & his eyes locked on to it also. As we moved on down the road the object came up to the road where trees grew on both sides. It was only about 2 feet off the ground. With no hesitation what so ever it fluently went up, over the trees and road, dropped down on other side to the same distance off the ground and moved across the cultivated cornfields that were on both sides of the road and it turned and came up the hill at a slight angle away from us and right up the middle of the field. I watched it as it went past us until it went out of sight. I turned back toward my friend as I started to say "did you......" and before I finished he said " don't ever ask me about it because I will say I didn't see anything. I swear it took us almost an hour longer then it should have.

I have had many funny things happen throughout my life that I canot explain. I truly believe I have been "helped" or "directed" my entire life. I have seemed to be able to do things that are way beyond my skills such as the jobs I have had.

As we talk more I'm sure we will cover these things!

Heck yeah, I had goose bumps the whole way through it @E Grower I can agree also with weird and maybe guided things happening too, it's hard to explain but beyond just ET related. Once I had just poured an entire cup to the brim of boiling water over a tea bag, turned around to walk to the table and sit down, and my step son was in my way (he likes to invade personal bubbles, a lot) and I literally dropped the cup like he should have been covered with boiling tea water, but I reached down quickly and caught the cup by the handle and literally did not spill one drop. We both watched the cup falling on like a 30 degree angle, I don't even know how physics explains that, there was no centrifugal force or anything holding the liquid in place. He was only 10 then and I'm pretty sure it was the first time I heard him say WTF??? I also dropped a piece of General Tsao chicken eating dinner with him one night, fairly recently, and without looking I caught it with my chopsticks way before it got close to the floor. That was about the 700th time I have heard him say WTF? Maybe not ET, but definitely something paranormal cause I have never been lucky. Learning things and being good at them seems to just come naturally and quickly. It's definitely some form of gift.

Have you ever had a month of randomness that you can't explain? Like, I met this lady who like blew my mind instantly, just remarkable the similarities and feeling that I knew her before, like past life love or something. So we research bdays and all that jazz and there is way too much stuff in common, like kind of creepy amounts of things. A couple weeks later I go to Lake Quinault and am seated at the table Franklin Delano Roosevelt sat at when he and his family ate dinner there plenty of times. The whole time I was there it was like magic all around, everything that could have happened symbolically did, over and over and over. Another week forward, lots more cool and interesting things going on that are mind boggling, keep waking up at the same time as each other and having random convos at random times. I started researching a bit more, her bday is the same as Eleanor Roosevelt. It was like some kind of strange intervention or someone was acting through her, because the snowball of stuff was too intense. We don't even talk anymore but somehow she inspired me to think outside the box on a bunch of levels, and some of those things are snowballing positively in my life right now, so that is super cool.

Also, I recently discovered some music that is super close to home and amazing to listen to, and there are half a dozen songs that when I listen to the lyrics I can completely envision my situation from start to finish, it's like they were written based off thoughts from my own head and what I am trying to visualize myself doing moving forward, career wise and for a family and love life. Then, after so many similarities I can't describe them all, I work with that musicians partners sister? And she is pretty much amazing I have to say. Just makes me wonder what's really happening behind the scenes, so to speak. I know my angels are watching out for me because everywhere I go I see a pair of Bald Eagles damn near everywhere I go, they are family members watching over me. And I'm not even religious or anything like that, I think Buddhism is where it's at and reincarnation. And Native American lore makes a lot of sense too.

I know that isn't ET, but paranormal in general can be put under the same umbrella, I think. At least that is how I try to classify it because I don't know what it is.
Heck yeah, I had goose bumps the whole way through it @E Grower I can agree also with weird and maybe guided things happening too, it's hard to explain but beyond just ET related. Once I had just poured an entire cup to the brim of boiling water over a tea bag, turned around to walk to the table and sit down, and my step son was in my way (he likes to invade personal bubbles, a lot) and I literally dropped the cup like he should have been covered with boiling tea water, but I reached down quickly and caught the cup by the handle and literally did not spill one drop. We both watched the cup falling on like a 30 degree angle, I don't even know how physics explains that, there was no centrifugal force or anything holding the liquid in place. He was only 10 then and I'm pretty sure it was the first time I heard him say WTF??? I also dropped a piece of General Tsao chicken eating dinner with him one night, fairly recently, and without looking I caught it with my chopsticks way before it got close to the floor. That was about the 700th time I have heard him say WTF? Maybe not ET, but definitely something paranormal cause I have never been lucky. Learning things and being good at them seems to just come naturally and quickly. It's definitely some form of gift.

Have you ever had a month of randomness that you can't explain? Like, I met this lady who like blew my mind instantly, just remarkable the similarities and feeling that I knew her before, like past life love or something. So we research bdays and all that jazz and there is way too much stuff in common, like kind of creepy amounts of things. A couple weeks later I go to Lake Quinault and am seated at the table Franklin Delano Roosevelt sat at when he and his family ate dinner there plenty of times. The whole time I was there it was like magic all around, everything that could have happened symbolically did, over and over and over. Another week forward, lots more cool and interesting things going on that are mind boggling, keep waking up at the same time as each other and having random convos at random times. I started researching a bit more, her bday is the same as Eleanor Roosevelt. It was like some kind of strange intervention or someone was acting through her, because the snowball of stuff was too intense. We don't even talk anymore but somehow she inspired me to think outside the box on a bunch of levels, and some of those things are snowballing positively in my life right now, so that is super cool.

Also, I recently discovered some music that is super close to home and amazing to listen to, and there are half a dozen songs that when I listen to the lyrics I can completely envision my situation from start to finish, it's like they were written based off thoughts from my own head and what I am trying to visualize myself doing moving forward, career wise and for a family and love life. Then, after so many similarities I can't describe them all, I work with that musicians partners sister? And she is pretty much amazing I have to say. Just makes me wonder what's really happening behind the scenes, so to speak. I know my angels are watching out for me because everywhere I go I see a pair of Bald Eagles damn near everywhere I go, they are family members watching over me. And I'm not even religious or anything like that, I think Buddhism is where it's at and reincarnation. And Native American lore makes a lot of sense too.

I know that isn't ET, but paranormal in general can be put under the same umbrella, I think. At least that is how I try to classify it because I don't know what it is.

Whoa! Way cool, bro!

Your experiences sound similar to some of mine.

I have had many health issues since I am diabetic, which happened shortly after our "smoke man" experience! And, no one else including grands, aunts and uncles even great grandparents have no diabetes, WEIRD! My wife, because I always pull thru no matter how bad it is, always swears I have an angel on each shoulder. Sometimes I can feel them with me. Very odd feeling indeed.

Skills: unbelievable what I have accomplished.

I am a draftsman. Studied both mechanical & architectural. Was first hired by the Enigineers that designed Owens Corning furnaces for insulation mfg. Did many different disciplines there. Was hired later at a Cryogenic Mfg. Co. The reason they wanted me was, I was cheap & had experience with pipe. Our Engineer their came & gathered us up & unrolled some drawings & asked who can do this? I was the newest hire, no college training. Not much experience. The drawings showed some 14" & 16" pipe that looked like noodles, no regular features or angles. No one said a thing. Finally, after or engineer asked again & nothing I said I can. Eng. said really? Show me an example. Had to draw a small section of pipe with curves & did. Eng. & our lead designer & me sat down so I could explain how. Eng. finally looked up asked lead, do you understand this. He said NO WAY. Had to prove I could teach him & we got the job! Never even knew how I knew what I know but I did & obviously it didn't blow up again. Job well done. Only one LOL I have more......
I have had similar experiences at work, it sucks too because the places I have worked the longest I have been fired from because whomever is in charge clashes with me. They think I'm out to replace them. And normally I am, but I don't show that in direct actions toward them or anything. Just work my butt off and figure everything out, clean it up while at it, basically just get stuff done while everyone else scratches their heads.

I caught numerous issues in Certificates on Conformation with forgings that came from overseas, destined to be the landing gear on Boeing 777's, our head of Quality Control bowed to me practically daily because he said in 50 years of this type of work he has never seen customs miss so many critical things that if we didn't pause to find resolution on, they could potentially come back to shut a major company down if a failure happened. And I also worked for a while manufacturing windows with Rehau components. I found a number of errors in their math logic that was causing our high value contracts to literally fall out the window. The engineer on staff argued with me for a week that I was full of it. I finally drew all over his one of a kind book he was so pissy over and said look dude, do the effin math yourself. Stuff isn't coming out square because they typoed the book, shit happens. He sat down with the owner, I believe, of Rehau, and sure as shit who was right? I walked out of that place because the local window company owner told me I would start at $17 an hour but my first check was for $12 an hour. I'm like dude, I just saved you guys at least a quarter of a million dollars on that one contract. Peace!
I have had similar experiences at work, it sucks too because the places I have worked the longest I have been fired from because whomever is in charge clashes with me. They think I'm out to replace them. And normally I am, but I don't show that in direct actions toward them or anything. Just work my butt off and figure everything out, clean it up while at it, basically just get stuff done while everyone else scratches their heads.

I caught numerous issues in Certificates on Conformation with forgings that came from overseas, destined to be the landing gear on Boeing 777's, our head of Quality Control bowed to me practically daily because he said in 50 years of this type of work he has never seen customs miss so many critical things that if we didn't pause to find resolution on, they could potentially come back to shut a major company down if a failure happened. And I also worked for a while manufacturing windows with Rehau components. I found a number of errors in their math logic that was causing our high value contracts to literally fall out the window. The engineer on staff argued with me for a week that I was full of it. I finally drew all over his one of a kind book he was so pissy over and said look dude, do the effin math yourself. Stuff isn't coming out square because they typoed the book, shit happens. He sat down with the owner, I believe, of Rehau, and sure as shit who was right? I walked out of that place because the local window company owner told me I would start at $17 an hour but my first check was for $12 an hour. I'm like dude, I just saved you guys at least a quarter of a million dollars on that one contract. Peace!

I have had that shit happen to me too. It blows my mind also because I am never out to get anyone fired but I usually hear later really what was going on. Even had our factory foreman tell me you are the first one from design that has come out to make sure we get this right! OMG!
shit ! shit! shit! I believe everything you say. thank you all for sharing:worship: this is what I hoped for when I started this thread. my problem is a have never seen a fukkin thing.:cuss:
I know it's all happening ,. without me. and believe me I am open, and study the stars.....nada!
shit ! shit! shit! I believe everything you say. thank you all for sharing:worship: this is what I hoped for when I started this thread. my problem is a have never seen a fukkin thing.:cuss:
I know it's all happening ,. without me. and believe me I am open, and study the stars.....nada!

Damn. Sorry, man! But it has been about 55 years that I have been searching also since that night out in the country but just had my "absolute truth sighting" only 6 years ago so don't give up. :pighug:

Just to let you know I have times that I break out in a full on sweat rest when I think that they are telling me "you need to stop what you are doing, now" & I am having it NOW!

Damn I hate this. Now I am soaked. :nono:
time for some ever loving cannabis. talking about this has opened it up fresh.:pass: I bet there are a few other people that read this thread that wont speak up. I cant imagine how someone must feel after an encounter. .