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I am up early again so I will take some time to respond. I do encourage you to read the Urantia Book. ( it is a free pdf file) It is written from the God the Infinite Creator point of view and all of the angels who help the Trinity to full-fill His Devine plan. May this day be as you need it to be. A day of spiritual growth.
I'll get on to that :bighug:
Do you notice the super massive black hole on his T shirt?:headbang::headbang:

edit............... I think it's kind of funny that as a little kid, I always thought that there was a massive black hole at every center of every Galaxy.
That was long before they had come up with the term super massive black hole. It just kind of made sense to me that given the size of a Galaxy, the black hole would be huge. I think it was my 6th grade teacher that me and my friend Bobby tag teamed her with our thoughts on black holes. Just aren't limited understanding back then and what we proposed completely confused this woman! It got to a point that she was very reluctant to call on this when we had our hands raised! She never knew what she was going to get! :biggrin: :funny::funny::funny:
This was long before it was widely accepted that there was a black hole at the center of every universe and well before super massive black holes were thought of..
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"The great weakness of ancestor veneration is that it promotes a backward-looking philosophy. However wise it may be to glean wisdom from the past, it is folly to regard the past as the exclusive source of truth. Truth is relative and expanding; it lives always in the present, achieving new expression in each generation of men—even in each human life."

The Urantia Book
79:8.8 (888.1)
Do you notice the super massive black hole on his T shirt?:headbang::headbang:

edit............... I think it's kind of funny that as a little kid, I always thought that there was a massive black hole at every center of every Galaxy.
That was long before they had come up with the term super massive black hole. It just kind of made sense to me that given the size of a Galaxy, the black hole would be huge. I think it was my 6th grade teacher that me and my friend Bobby tag teamed her with our thoughts on black holes. Just aren't limited understanding back then and what we proposed completely confused this woman! It got to a point that she was very reluctant to call on this when we had our hands raised! She never knew what she was going to get! :biggrin: :funny::funny::funny:
This was long before it was widely accepted that there was a black hole at the center of every universe and well before super massive black holes were thought of..
As we ponder on ideas and read more material I feel it is more common to find things that we just knew. We just knew things that are today as then a bit off the normal course.

When I was young I was told that time always was, time always is now and time will always be or everlasting. In a nutshell there is no beginning and no end there is just now. Like a parameter of a circle. Just where did the line start or end. So I asked my teacher if the Earth was made 6000 years ago then what happened before that time? I was told to be quiet and not be disrespectful. Jeesh :eek2: it was something that bugged me. :nono: I knew she was troubled by my opening a window in her world.
As we ponder on ideas and read more material I feel it is more common to find things that we just knew. We just knew things that are today as then a bit off the normal course.

When I was young I was told that time always was, time always is now and time will always be or everlasting. In a nutshell there is no beginning and no end there is just now. Like a parameter of a circle. Just where did the line start or end. So I asked my teacher if the Earth was made 6000 years ago then what happened before that time? I was told to be quiet and not be disrespectful. Jeesh :eek2: it was something that bugged me. :nono: I knew she was troubled by my opening a window in her world.
Yeah I asked the very same question! :face: :haha::haha::haha::haha: