Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

The times are changing faster and faster. Soon we will all know what is going on. Seek and find the truth.
I'm sure departments of Homeland Security and MI5 Our monetary online in brick and mortar shoe stores for unusual buying practices. That's kinda inline with the last time a questionable object approached Earth.:biggrin::pass:
"We of the Confederation of Planets are aware of all of the problems which confront you, for we are in contact with you at all times. It is not an easy place to exist, your world. But pay it no attention, for it is not a lasting world. Everything that is happening and will happen is not really of any importance. It will shortly be gone. We speak of a lasting creation. An unchanging, but infinite, creation."

This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.

© 2009 L/L Research

So this is where the wild boys hang, huh? Cool stuff but I've got a lot of reading to catch up on.
Welcome. I would say this is where seekers of the truth maybe found. Seek and a path will guide you. Listen to those inner voices and go with what feels right to your heart. Accept what resonates and ignore that which does not. There are an infinite numbers of paths that can be followed.

I was in bed and something told me to get up. So I did. Glad to meet you my Brother. @Entombed :welcome:
Enjoy June 14, 2024

Hey @Nosias !

How's things? I saw you say you had moved to Vermont. That a recent move or have you been there for a while?
We have been here for a little over 2 years. Our 2nd daughter wanted to move here from Chicago with her husband and 6yo daughter. So we decided to make the move with them. Each got our own place and we all are really enjoying it.
Cool thread! I have seen quite a few strange things in the last few years. Been researching this craziness and true history for the last 20 years.
Welcome. I would say this is where seekers of the truth maybe found. Seek and a path will guide you. Listen to those inner voices and go with what feels right to your heart. Accept what resonates and ignore that which does not. There are an infinite numbers of paths that can be followed.

@MR magoo is the gentle soul who started this. We as many before have been drawn to it. How did you find it? If you want a more personal discussion then it is best to use the Private Message option. For at times it maybe a bit more than some may want. I just started my seeking during the Great Shutdown a few years back. So very happy you are here. @gtrgrow65