Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

A Pink Runtz developed some bud rot. :shrug: after 7 weeks of humidity between 90 and 100% . and rain almost every day. the others look OK for Now.
will keep a close eye on them, and perform emergency surgery on them if needed. chopped her up and inspected with magnifier. saved most of bud.
Maybe lost two ounces dry. one rainbow glue is almost ready, another week or so. I have never seen so much humidity for so long. i think i am getting moldy!! :frowny: day 59. View attachment 1616132View attachment 1616133View attachment 1616134View attachment 1616135
Nice job catching it before you lost more!
A Pink Runtz developed some bud rot. :shrug: after 7 weeks of humidity between 90 and 100% . and rain almost every day. the others look OK for Now.
will keep a close eye on them, and perform emergency surgery on them if needed. chopped her up and inspected with magnifier. saved most of bud.
Maybe lost two ounces dry. one rainbow glue is almost ready, another week or so. I have never seen so much humidity for so long. i think i am getting moldy!! :frowny: day 59. View attachment 1616132View attachment 1616133View attachment 1616134View attachment 1616135
Good save!! Only losing a couple zips is best case. Rough season for sure.
Damn aliens must have snuck in my drying tent!!!!!!!!! :grrr1: :grrr1: :grrr1:

Damn it! I was not in the mood for lemonade today!
...................... I don't care how powerful that lemonade may be!

After checking and then feeding the potted girls, I checked my drawing Meth girl drying in the tent. I spotted mold!

It was just beginning, but it was in every bag. So I got these lemons, I guess it's time for lemonade. So, I guess I'm gonna have some pretty powerful MCT oil. I've gone through every bit of it and trimmed away the bad . Not really a whole lot, but it would have progressed.

So I got a real dumb question.
How much cannabinoids can you infuse in MCT oil? Surely there is a point to where the oil will not absorb anymore.
I started the first cycle of decarb while ago. A conservative estimate oh how much rosin this would have produced in a dry ice shake would be approximately 30 grams.
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How much cannabinoids can you infuse and MCT oil? Surely there is a point to where the oil will not absorb anymore
You can decarb the rosin in the oven and it's then active and edible. Then you can add MCT oil to it where the oil is basically just the carrier and fat and thins it out. So not technically an infusion, but the oil infusion will never get as strong as the edible hash rosin is on its own
You can decarb the rosin in the oven and it's then active and edible. Then you can add MCT oil to it where the oil is basically just the carrier and fat and thins it out. So not technically an infusion, but the oil infusion will never get as strong as the edible hash rosin is on its own
I'm not gonna make any rosin with these buds. I was just using that number as a reference on how it would have been if I had done a dry ice shake.

Basically I'm asking how much cannabinoids can MCT hold.
@Nosias . :bighug: the low IQ people need that drip. if they learned all the truth at once their head would explode. :haha:

@Green Hornet . :bighug:I firmly believe that there IS life in some of the oceans of the gas giant moons AND it is highly likely that they are advanced and live in our oceans as well. :goauto: they want nothing to do with the shit flinging monkey's. oh ya plants! 64
@WildBill . :bighug:sorry to hear. but at least we both caught it before it spread.:thumbsup:
I heard some ramblings from a cynical Mi resident that light orbs have been reported many times over Lake Mi. by aircraft.
Oh and the M is now running training missions with fighters in the area for a year :pop: