Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

Ohhhh green plants n flowers! mmmmmm. DUDE,Im growing some poppies WOOOO! going to get some from this Lupus sufferer I recently made friends with.Cant post them here But I can elsewhere when they start popping up well after a bit.Gotta build the dirt base and spike the outter regions of the root zone(s).
Lol edibles just hit pretty hard and came across this thread which made me think of a few sightings I've had but dismissed as the weed altering my perception. The clincher was when I had full view of a brightly coloured object hovering what seemed like could be close by but on further examination after I stopped freaking out so much was actually just big and sadly I was too slow to my pocket and it had vanished before I could get my camera app up. The clincher in this was I was in the garden only about to light my first spliff of the day so I actually believed my eyes. My dads mate saw it on his bus route too.
I live in the south west of England in an urban area so we're not heavily visited due to a lack of military or nuclear activity, in the UK it sightings seem to be near military and intelligence/ science bases which are out in the country so I was pretty jazzed about the whole thing. Watched that video that OP uploaded not long after about a year ago and I'm convinced lol... Even my sicilian Catholic (now dead) great uncle saw one in the 70s and apparently it challenged his beliefs to the core. He was 50 at the time too so not like he wasn't firm in his beliefs
You just gotta wonder why organisations like SETI have so much money pumped into them unless there's something to it!
Pretty sure if a species has made it to interstellar travel that they weren't dumb enough to kill eachother till extinction, and is most likely a little pissed off at humans use of dangerous weaponry and they're just making sure we can't bring our special kind of friendship to the rest of the galaxy yet haha I suppose they're hoping we calm down with the drone strikes and keeping nukes pointed everywhere :woody:of course they could just want human snoz as an aphrodisiac
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they have shut off the nukes at various sites around the world. that is a fact. I hope that stupid humans wont try to start world war III because the ET's will stop it, and make our military look foolish.welcome aboard this interstellar vehicle. medmad.:toke: thank you for input. looking forward to more.. :smokeout:
tent [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] contents. two Mephisto Ripleys OG and one blue cookie wreck, has not shown sex yet. Mars needs women!:dancer:
medmad I am a 69 year old Sicilian. :cheers:

Haha sweet, glad to speak to another open-minded Sicilian! Too few and far between from my experience, my Nonno would be appalled if he knew my Nonna was letting me grow weed in my room! :crying:

P. S. My English Grandfather was a nuclear technician for the Royal Navy during the cold War and supposedly there was all sorts of weird electrical activity reported from all over the command chain. He was the one that showed me the link between ufo and nuke sites/ armed subs. It was only after watching the full documentary did I think he was doing more than telling tall tales. He still thinks it's of a terrestrial origin though, he's very firmly rooted in his belief of what's "commonly known". :doh: (I'M NO DIFFERENT THOUGH, especially since I'm so certain that their existence is extra terrestrial) :cooldance:
So in basic training you have like 60 ppl all in a very close quarters with not much anything to do but talk., Half the guys in basic have these crazy ufo stories.. Most very similar with fast moving lights that would stop and go and zoom off.. ET is real and the concensus was if they are visiting in these small groups they are more like scientist and not conquers..
they don't want to invade. we have nothing thy need. their just keeping a curious eye on the monkey's. to see what we will do next.
I also believe that some of these sightings are vehicles from our own future on a sightseeing tour.
I agree, at least now that all our planet is contaminated with plastic no one else will want the surface water lol1! *stifled cry*
I agree, ive thought for many years that we're just an evolutionary/ psychological experiment that got a bit out of hand. It's like when abductions happen, they're just like wildlife capture, tag and release studies. A little sedation and all the person remembers is strange beings, hypodermic probes and flashing lights