All plants doing good.

done germinating till all these are done, unless i score another grow n show. i only have one at the moment. i do have bomb seeds going but they are unoffical. i am open for one more if it comes along.
...might be something from SSSC? (pending arrival)......And T20M has new auto's coming too, did you see them announced yet?
Soo many questions on Alien visits my friend,... One thing that always bugged me: if they wanted to be unseen by us, they surely have the capacity to do so,...
.....We all know the speed of light isn't nearly fast enough for interstellar travel beyond "short" distances, there has got to be another way (think Dune)...
....So as we see these unaccountable objects, why reveal themselves but remain mute? ....Or is it "us" flitting around in their tech craft? You know enough physics to realize that the type/speed of movement others have witnessed are not something humans can handle, G-forces of such accel-/deceleration and turning would harm or kill us.... So some sort of inertial dampening field would have to be working, right?
.... how can all these conflicting uncooperative governments stay on the same page for "denial", hiding facts/data, encounters, etc.,...
The list goes on and on for such counterintuitive arguments, one can see why they are grist for "believers" and deniers all at the same time!