Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

The truth will always make Fiction Mundane.:cheers:
The truth will always make Fiction Mundane.:cheers:
Not many would believe it, it would be just to fantastical, The Yellow Book, the exchange to Serpo, the reptilians who colonised the earth and the Atlantians who misused their power, the list is just endless and a travesty to humanity that we are not told the truth to raise the consciousness of the planet. :d5:
Too much vested interest in the farce.
Yada! Yada! Yada! Blah! Blah!. :doc1: "old hippies never die they go up in a puff of smoke" :bighug:
all the girls in my stable. :goauto:

this is our legacy to our children. :shrug: yaa! humans are civilized. :face: if you believe that i have ocean front property in Idaho for 5 dollars an acre. IF there were malevolent Aliens, this would have happened to the whole planet Years ago.
A warning for the young. i have been on this planet for 70+ years. The main stream media is so full of lie's and half truths that i feel i should warn you. be it radio, television, newspaper or internet. we are being programmed to believe whatever their agenda is and this agenda could be called
Status Quo. the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. and what used to be the middle class is gone! it's all gone over to the poor side.
remember the 1% movement. ?? it's down to .5 % now. :shrug:
Ash' s to ash's dust to dust. who the f is that under my bed??? :crying: Mendo Trizzlers and Mephisto Walter White moving right along.:thumbsup:
all given what they wanted. :hump:and they like it rough. :shooty:
It seems like something is not right with this dig. It does not fit the "norm" for what they "want" to find. I know I believe that hunter gathers built Sumeria and the pyramids. It all makes so much sense. They were smarter than us? No, the power in this world do not want us to know that we are all eternal souls exploring this creation thru reincarnation. At least one person at this dif thinks there is something wrong with what we have been told.

@Nosias :toke: i live within a few miles of Penobscot Bay. over 10 thousand years ago their was a stone age tribe around the bay. they are called the red paint people. they were found out from the huge piles of sea shells. and the fact that that they used red ochre to paint themselves.
They thrived in this area because of the huge quantity of seafood. nothing has changed. if you walk a half mile along the beach, you will find plenty to eat. loaded with Omega 3.