11 years ago i had a cancerous tumor that covered 2/3 of my stomach. ended up having 75% of my stomach removed. the night before i went under the knife, the Surgeon, because of a misdiagnoses from ct scan the day before, called my family in to tell them i had days to live, and would not leave the hospital. the scan showed a tumor that was huge and what looked like patch's of cancer all over my liver. turned out the liver was fine.
after being told all this with my family. it took me about five minutes to accept this news. i thought i was going to die, and imediatlty moved on to thoughts of my wife and what would she should do, i told her to get the house on the market, sell all my junk and car and set herself up.
she could not afford it by herself. when they opened me up they found only the stomach had to go the liver was ok. all misdiagnosed.
11 year later here i am.

now death is only a curiosity to me.