Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

simplicio.:toke: look at the number of species on our little blue world, and think about the number of possible planets that has created so many different species. this alone would attract any intelligent beings alone. not to mention keeping an eye on the monkeys that have nukes.:eyebrows:
simplicio.:toke: look at the number of species on our little blue world, and think about the number of possible planets that has created so many different species. this alone would attract any intelligent beings alone. not to mention keeping an eye on the monkeys that have nukes.:eyebrows:

They don't care that we have nukes, unless they want to take over a non-radioactive planet.
Even if we destroyed the whole earth in one gigantic nuclear blast of a trillion megatons, they wouldn't be harmed, because the blast would extend very little out into our own solar system, and other stars are so far away that no one would notice.

Human brains can behave strangely, as troubles with false "recovered memories" tell us.
False memories and pranksters are responsible for most of these alien encounters.

Our present state of knowledge is that the speed of light cannot be exceeded.
It takes light 4.3 years to reach the nearest star, so even traveling at 99.9% the speed of light would require 8.6 years round trip.
It's unlikely that we'll discover life closer than a few thousand light years, and a round trip to such a place would take many thousands of years.
True, according to earth observers the occupants of such a fast spaceship would barely age due to time dilation, but they'd never see friends or family again, and might even be locked up as an amusement thousands of years later upon their return to earth.
as you say..." our present state of knowledge" what would a man from the 12th century think about a ride in a 757? would he start by quoting engineering facts about avionics, or would he think it was magic? on a scale of 1 to 100 humans knowledge "at this present state" is a 2. so the possibility of life far more advanced than us can and do travel through various dimensions, as easy as you cross the street. and using these dimensions they have instant travel anywhere, anytime. in our three dimensional universe.
do I believe et's have come to earth? yes. everyday, no. most sightings are false. but a percentage are very real. again my opinion.
the laws of physics only apply to our three dimensional universe.
as you say..." our present state of knowledge" what would a man from the 12th century think about a ride in a 757? would he start by quoting engineering facts about avionics, or would he think it was magic? on a scale of 1 to 100 humans knowledge "at this present state" is a 2. so the possibility of life far more advanced than us can and do travel through various dimensions, as easy as you cross the street. and using these dimensions they have instant travel anywhere, anytime. in our three dimensional universe.
do I believe et's have come to earth? yes. everyday, no. most sightings are false. but a percentage are very real. again my opinion.
the laws of physics only apply to our three dimensional universe.

Yes, I was careful to say "our present state of knowledge" for the exact reasons you give.
But at present it seems highly unlikely that getting from one time/place in the universe to a different spot could be done at faster than the speed of light.
Conceivably some sort of warping of space might allow this, as in the movies you cite.
But our "present state of knowledge" is that any noticeable warping of space-time would require gravity so strong that tidal forces would rip bodies apart.

The fact that there is no credible proof that we've ever been visited by aliens lends some small evidence to the view that faster than light travel is impossible.
As Sagan said "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof," and so far that proof is missing.

Most scientists would probably agree that it's highly likely that life exists elsewhere, but that it's highly unlikely that they have visited us.
at the beginning of the thread is a video of the 2001 press conference. I would refer that to you as proof. these people were not paid, and represent the most knowledgeable of people.
military, science, and avionics industry. yes 90% of what you read or watch today, is misinformation. soon after this press conference, that had one of the largest viewing audience
ever. 9/11 happened a few months later, and this was forgotten . this testimony plus the lack of any ego, is enough proof for me at least.:smokeout:
at the beginning of the thread is a video of the 2001 press conference. I would refer that to you as proof. these people were not paid, and represent the most knowledgeable of people.
military, science, and avionics industry. yes 90% of what you read or watch today, is misinformation. soon after this press conference, that had one of the largest viewing audience
ever. 9/11 happened a few months later, and this was forgotten . this testimony plus the lack of any ego, is enough proof for me at least.:smokeout:

I gritted my teeth and watched 30 min of the video.
What the testimonials prove, and nothing more, is that some strange atmospheric phenomena have been observed.
Whenever a strange observation is made, the simplest logical explanation is probably the best explanation.
In all of these cases there are two very simple explanations:
1. Rare atmospheric phenomena
2. Radar equipment glitches that produce signals not caused by actual objects
Both of these are much simpler than visits from beings that violate our present understanding of the laws of nature.

I repeat, no one could keep a secret this big, and no alien would care much if we blew up the whole planet.
Anyone who profits from belief in ufos is not to be trusted about ufos.
fair enough. :thumbsup: I think most of the people that visit this thread share my belief. I am not sure if you will continue to post here.
because we are 180 deg. opposed. what would be the point?:pass::pighug:
fair enough. :thumbsup: I think most of the people that visit this thread share my belief. I am not sure if you will continue to post here.
because we are 180 deg. opposed. what would be the point?:pass::pighug:

The point is that believing in things without proof is harmful to society, and feeds into the "fake news" narrative of a segment of society.
How much of this would stand up in court?

In spite of your "soft banning" of me from this thread, I will continue posting here in a respectful way for awhile so that claims that have no proof are recognized as such.
Hopefully others here can get an alternative, and in my opinion, more accurate view of these ufo "conspiracy theories."
it was not a soft banning. post at will. I do believe you have a large ego problem, taking on the responsibilty of protecting society from the likes of me.:crying:
you sound like someone in law enforcement. wants to protect everybody from whatever YOU think is harmful.:thumbsup: