New Grower Waxy's Quantum Ikea Cab- White Widow XXL

Details soon to come:pass:

Day 30



IMG_20180920_195130.jpg the details never came. Shocker right?:help:

I'll just update where we're at now considering it's just been coast mode for the passed while...sort of.

Day 35

I have been battling a few different things, mostly what I think is pH imbalance and light stress. The leaves were starting to droop a bit and I knew it wasn't quite time to water so I moved the lights up about 15 centimeters and turned it up a hair instead. The definitely looked a lot better than before but about 3 days later (Day 34) she got a nice full 2.5 liter french of aerated water on top of the second 1/3 dose of Bloom.

The 8 week schedule calls for 3gr. per liter of substrate, top dressed in as soon as you see signs of flower. Autos don't always go 8 weeks and I didn't want to over-do it so I dressed 1gr/liter sustrate. In hindsight, I should have probably gone with 2gr. to start with but hey live and learn.

I also took off 2 of the 3 tie downs. It was too much of a pain to water for me to keep them but they did their jobs. Maybe I'll spread her out more later. We'll see what happens. As for now she is happy and praying so I'm assuming she is feeling better than before? :woohoo:




Thanks for looking everyone. Please share your thoughts and comments.:cheers::cooldance::backside:
Hey All!!

It's been hectic but I've managed to keep up with the pictures anyway.

Haven't really been doing much except for watering to slight run-off every three days or so. I have also been plucking the odd fan leaf every once in a while. Trying to keep things as tidy as possible.

Anyway, they say pictures are worth a thousand words so I'll leave you to it.

Day 40





Thanks for looking! :toke:
Looking good fams...nice work!!!

Looking good and tasty! Have you been doing any pruning or leaving the growth?
Thanks! I haven't really to be honest. I did a little clean up right after they got done stretching to get rid of maybe 1 or 2 tiny little bud sites but other than that I've left it be. I pluck a fan leaf every once in a while but I've not really done any heavy de-foliation. This plant has been quite spread out as far as structure goes so it hasnth be necessary imo.:smoking: