Indoor db003 - Blk seeds - Sour Diesel Auto - White Widow Auto - super soil -MH/HPS

time for a update on my blk seeds autoflower grow in super soil!

I took another 2 plants out of my tent to be in darkness for 24 hours before I chop them it was one of the older white widows that I planned to chop and one of the sour diesel autos that I think had some bud rot just to be safe that way if it was bud rot it wont spread and infect itself more or other plants

so i am down to 4 plants left in the tent and not much longer before they will be done too

I just gave the other plants a lite watering since there still a bit moist from the flush from 2 days ago

I also trimmed and jarred the first plant I chopped in this grow the water has been super hot for the past week so the plant dried out way faster then I like but its all good

so I went ahead and chopped the 2 plants I put in my drying closet to be in darkness for 24 hours

it was one of the white widow auto plants I planned on chopping and the sour diesel auto plant that got a little bit of bud rot on it and I wanted to get it out of the tent just incase

I cut the buds off that were infected luckily it was not that much like half of a main cola and a few small side buds and put it to the side so it wont be in my drying room all the rest got hung to dry I dont think I lost that much so that's a good thing

I clipped of most of the fan leafs before I chopped the plants and hung them I wont lie it got me down when I seen I had a bit of bud rot but it comes with the territory of growing you can do your best but still have problems but its all good I only lost like 10 to 15 grams maybe less it could be worse

after I chopped my plants something was telling me to check on the plants in the tent and I am glad I did my sour diesel plant that has the biggest buds got too top heavy and bent the whole plants over I took some twine and used it as a brace to hold the plant up so all is well
another day another watering lol just waiting for these last four plants to finish up and get chopped a few of them look ready now but will wait a few more days I hope to be done with this grow by the first week of November so I can start my new grow

I also got a chance to get a weight on my first plant I chopped from this grow it was one of the white widow autos from blk seeds

I got 39.2 grams of pure buds and some trim I did not count these are not the biggest yielders but I love how solid the buds are I smoked a bowl of it this morning and its good stuff

time for a update on my blk seeds autoflower grow in super soil!

I took another 2 plants out of my tent to be in darkness for 24 hours before I chop them it was one of the white widows from blk seeds and the stardawg from fast buds so now I am down to 2 plants left in the tent and not much longer before they will be done too

I will only let them go for a few more days I dont like having only 2 plants in my tent I think its a waste of electricity since I am using a 600w hps

I just gave the other 2 plants a lite watering I also trimmed and jarred the another plant I chopped in this grow this time is was one of the sour diesel plants when I was trimming it dam it was sticky I just know its going to be some amazing smoke

I took the trim and put it with the rest of the trim I plan to make dry ice kief with it this time it will be my first time doing it this way but its seams super easy so its all good

well I chopped the 2 plants I put in the closet the other day I did not take any pics I had a ton of stuff to do on that day so I just did it quickly took off all the fan leaves and cut them at the base and hung them just like I did the other plants

since I only had 2 plants left in the tent I said to hell with it and went ahead and cut the power off to the tent so the 2 plants that were still in there can be in darkness for 24 hours and then they will get the chop

I got a final weight on the first sour diesel auto from blk seeds that I chopped and jarred it came out to 50.8 grams that's a bit more then the first plant I jarred so that's nice

I still got like 4 plants hanging now and the last 2 plants in the tent in darkness waiting to get chopped

not sure what the final numbers will be yet I was shooting for 16oz from all of them just have to wait and see

my current totals are from the 2 plants that are dried and jarred so far are

white widow auto plant [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] from blk seeds 39.2 grams
sour diesel auto plant [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] from blk seeds 50.8 grams
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so I was out getting some beer today and I remembered that smart and final sells dry ice so I picked up some to experiment with

I had 12.3 grams of decent trim from my plants on hand so I made a little bit of dry ice kief I used a 73 micron bag first and then I used a 220 micron bag for a second run

I got 0.7 grams of good kief from the 73 micron bag I will use this to top bowls or to add to joints and 3 grams from the 220 but its very low grade and mostly shake but still good for cooking with but not good for smoking

this was my first time ever doing it and let me tell you it was super easy to do and I will be doing it again for sure once the rest of my plants dry and get trimmed I will be working that 73 micron bag I also have a 25 micron bag but I need a lot more trim to even get a amount from that bag so I did not use it this time

well I chopped my last 2 plants even though one of them needed about another week or 2 more but its all good my next grow I can take my sweet time with it I only got pics of one of the plants I forgot to take ones of the other one I will take some later when I open the drying closet

I got my stuff I ordered for my next grow I got some fish powder for my compost teas and some roots organic elemental powdered Cal mag and 8 3 gallon fabric pots but there really 3.9 gallons I just found that out not to long ago

nice frosty buds.a good find with the dry ice,we do throw away a lot of semi good material.and as youve shown there are a few quick easy simple ways to make good use of it.
thanks for showing.
time for another update on my blk seeds auto grow in super soil

well the growing part of this grow is officially over all my plants in this grow have been chopped and hung to dry and a few already got jarred and weighed

I did a trim on another one of the plants today but it was still a bit too moist to go in a jar so I just trimmed it as best as I could and took the buds off the branch and put them on my spare plant saucer I us to trim on no big deal it will be dry in a day

this grow went pretty well just waiting to see the final numbers to see how I did
