Dutch Passion Waximus' DP Auto Durban Poison, in TLO soil

Afterthought! If you look at the pic of Thalia, it seems like she has Tri-nodes, or at least foxtailing internodes, you think? Even looking from the top, its like she is a strange pheno, at least in the leaf development department...
[video]http://www.amazon.com/Valent-Gnatrol-WDG/dp/B003E7BGTU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1412435199&sr=8-1&keywords=gnatrol[/video]you guy's that have gnat problem's...a simple organic fix. works very well:peace:dont use neem ,they will be back.:Sharing One:one or two application's, gone. just add to nute's when feeding.:tiphat:
[video]http://www.amazon.com/Valent-Gnatrol-WDG/dp/B003E7BGTU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1412435199&sr=8-1&keywords=gnatrol[/video]you guy's that have gnat problem's...a simple organic fix. works very well:peace:dont use neem ,they will be back.:Sharing One:one or two application's, gone. just add to nute's when feeding.:tiphat:

I think I learned about Gnatrol from one of your threads, no? I do use it- adding a 2nd dose in this weeks tea. I swear these came from a bag of FFOF- my first grow in soil- and even though I know the new soil bags were clean, they came back... The first gnatrol feeding knocked em down. They'll need 1 or 2 more, I'm sure... Fekkin bugs!!!
[video]http://www.amazon.com/Valent-Gnatrol-WDG/dp/B003E7BGTU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1412435199&sr=8-1&keywords=gnatrol[/video]you guy's that have gnat problem's...a simple organic fix. works very well:peace:dont use neem ,they will be back.:Sharing One:one or two application's, gone. just add to nute's when feeding.:tiphat:
Super kool...gonna order some of this up. Def worth a try!
I swear these came from a bag of FFOF- my first grow in soil- and even though I know the new soil bags were clean, they came back... Fekkin bugs!!!

Hey wax, I gotta tel ya every time I use ffof I get bugs, I am using just promix on the last plant I started cause I didn't want to open another bag of ff and no issues as of yet with bugs, I had all kinds of problems with the soil, I could have baked the soil like they say to sterilize it but ole girl wouldn't have the smell in the house, so... Main reason I'm switching to coco and dwc.
Hey wax, I gotta tel ya every time I use ffof I get bugs, I am using just promix on the last plant I started cause I didn't want to open another bag of ff and no issues as of yet with bugs, I had all kinds of problems with the soil, I could have baked the soil like they say to sterilize it but ole girl wouldn't have the smell in the house, so... Main reason I'm switching to coco and dwc.
Brother, it makes me sad.. FFOF was a great brand, for a long time! I don't understand how that company cannot HEAR their customers' complaints. A totally repairable problem, but... Sad.
Our experiences are specks on a sandpile...
I'm digging these test soils I've been graced with! Both brands are spot on high quality. Each has its idiocyncracies, for sure. "Soil personalities!" Who knew?!
Wednesday update! Its Vegapaloossa in Waxiville, Peeps :)
I've put in the 2nd LED panel (The new 300w, Mars panel, I got off of eprey..), so we have ~400 real watts of LED in the closet. Sunglasses are a necessity, for sure! Since adding the 2nd light, max temps got to 86, and dark period (running 20/4) goes down to 68. RH is stable at 55% ish.
The girls have really ramped up since Saturday, and other than the early leaf burn, they're going great guns! Here are a couple pics:

Calliope, she showed her lady parts on Monday.
Thalia, coming along nicely :)

So, later today I'll give them a light tea that I brewed with high N bat guano, Gnatrol, Oregonism XL, and a tsp mollasses/gal. I'll give them 8 oz each, to give the microlife a happy hour beverage :)
I'll have another update this weekend. Some love, Peeps
:Sharing One:
Thank you, Brother Dazed :):Sharing One:

I'm pretty happy with things, so far. A bunch of new stuff this grow, but the Ganja Gods are being kind!