Maintenance / Premium Hash Oil Burns Better
When using a vaporizer pen and Hash Oil, just like anything, you may need to keep it clean and clog-free. How do you do this? It's not the actual trippy stick that needs cleaning, you just need to lighten your hash oil and make sure it's burnable. Read our steps below to lighten your hash oil [ if over 18 years of age ]:
Find some food grade Vegetable Glycerin at your local store
Measure how much Hash Oil you have
Add Two Times the amount of Vegetable glycerin you have of Hash Oil in a crock pot
Mix in the Hash oil
Set stove to low with top covering pot
Stir Hourly for at least 8 hours, a day is better
optional: Leave the new Hash Oil-Glycerin mix to sit in crock pot overnight
When you wake up, stir the mixture again
Turn Off Pot and Let mixture cool down to a 'little past warm' level
Secure a cheese cloth on pot by rubber banding it to pot's top
Strain mixture through the cheese cloth, once all drains, squeeze the cloth
Bottle the new, premium Hash Oil