Extraction Water cured Weed in Vegetable Glycerin tincture as E-cig juice

Nov 30, 2012
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Going to give it a try, before i start spending time effort and money has anyone else given this a shot or has a reason why it won't work or shouldn't be done?

I aim to buy a "Ego 510" battery and a "Tanko" cartomiser.

black-riva-ego-510-650-mah-battery-121-p.jpg tanko-[5]-1027-p.jpg

The cartomiser holds either padding with the juice soaked in it or a tank with wicks. It also has the electrics to heat and create the vapour and is issualy the part you toke through. I am picking one that has wicks.

The juice you buy comes in 3 bases. The base i want to use is the Vegetable Glycerin as its the safest and is water soluble. I can get it with Zero nicotine content and unflavoured.

I aim to water cure some bud for a couple of weeks then dry it out, grind it up and store in a sealed jar with the Vegetable Glycerin shaking daily to make the tincture.

Once strained i should be able to mix this down with pure Vegetable Glycerin/water to thin if needed to be able to vape in the e-cig.

Because i am inpatient while waiting for the tincture set up, i'll do a double boiler and heat treat some weed in a jar with some Vegetable Glycerin to try and extract some goodies that way and mix that down to try too.

Will it work or am i wasting my time?
I've kinda wondered about this. Some kinda of e-cig hack, but have not researched it at all. First I've had any direction or ideas on it. I would say it would work. I personally would heat the oil b4 use. Though it does vaporize, I don't know the heat and I would personally want some "activated" THC content. Thanks for sharing and asking. I'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes and may do some more research too :dance:
good point about heating. it won't be an oil as such, that would be too sticky. the tincture has to be runny enough to get vaped. I should maybe add in a step once the weed has been dried from the water cure by grinding and sticking in the oven for 5 mins at about 160 to decarboxylate it before putting into the glycerine
that should do it, I'm always orverkill though just to make sure.. i'd go 10-15 min... just to be sure?

What I've learned so far

Liquid for producing vapor in electronic cigarettes, known as e-juice or e-liquid, is a solution of propylene glycol (PG) and/or vegetable glycerin (VG) and/or polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG400) mixed with concentrated flavors, and optionally, a variable percent of a liquid nicotine concentrate.
They are often sold in a bottle or as pre-filled disposable cartridges. Many manufacturers offer dozens of flavors which resemble the taste of regular tobacco, menthol, vanilla, coffee, cola and various fruits, but nicotine concentrations vary by manufacturers. The standard notation "mg/ml" is often used in labeling, sometimes shortened to a simple "mg".[16] Nicotine-free solutions are also common.
Some electronic cigarette users opt to make their own e-juice in a form known as "DIY".
Great Informative about PG, VG, and PEG:

PG and VG for vapor production and enjoyment:

*Additional thoughts on the get go:
Being every one vial you make is equivalent to about a pack or 2 of cigs...etc, I would make the liquid VERY strong as to get desired effect or you may be dissatisfied with having to puff a lot with little effect until a long time.
Can Cannabinoids be extracted with PG (it would seem to be a non-issue, but I don't know). If so I would extract with a pg solution and vg solution to mix at different ratios to get desired vape effect.

Does anyone know maximum saturation of glycerine? like bud to glycerine ratio that people recommend as max on a somewhat scientific rational? You can always "water" it down if too strong. Doesn't quite work the other way around.

Looks like your way is sound (not sure about using actual water though). I personally would look for very standard looking refillable e- cig. for even more discretion. Sounds also like there is VERY little smell if any from comments on other boards.
Great Video on extracting:

Replace cigar with....well what else :toke:
and half (maybe even 1/4) his formula, test and you may have something there
You might as well get a gpen and use that to toke an oil based concentrate. If you google the product name you should find good info.
Thanks for the replies man

http://www. exhalecigarette.co.uk/product-p/dd.htm

This is a supplier of the vg/pg or peg, VG is the one i want. it is supposed to be ok at extracting according to the wiki. I ain't sure about saturation but i'll be looking at getting as much premium bud soaked in 100ml of VG, bare in mind the bud will be ground as fine as i can get it. an ounce should prolly do it. i'll get a bottle of the PG too but only to water the tincture down.

A quick heat treatment of the bud and a double boil for about 6 hours or so would get some THC but as VG is not as strong a solvent as alcohol i reckon the strongest would be a long soak, about 6 weeks.

About the water cure, that was to remove any possible smells, i wanna be able to toke int he cinema :D

My biggest worry is that once i've strained the final liquid that it is too sticky to be used and needs to be watered down to much like you say it could be too weak.
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You might as well get a gpen and use that to toke an oil based concentrate. If you google the product name you should find good info.

The gpen is 10 times the price of what you need to pay, a battery is less that £10 and you get 5 refillable cartomisers in a pack for about £5 and thats all ye need :)

Oil based concentrate would just sticky up the vape up, ruin the insides and if you spill any then you'll block the airholes. thats why i am looking at a vg/pg tincture.