Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

LOL i knew it.
which are getting some supplemental lighting... it's helping but the lumen output is just okay, so I may look into more powerful alternatives....
winter here we come..least enough light to do seed runs or crosses?:clap:
Thanks for the update waira, i think "pot in pot" is one of the best options too.
I will be watching this with attention ;)
see you around here, waira, and sweet smokes!
Yea I agree Jaypp ..Im thinking of making some sort of pointy top pot with little exposed soil and a long neck for root travel funnel shaped type.Then you could keep out bugs from the top and bottom if the pan has water.Hmm maybe ill get a big funnel and attach it to a pot lol
Doobie ..
Goauto has the perfect solution ...ever seen how he stacks the same stryo cups ..
Fresh dirt per 14 days ...
I wanna do a Cream Manderine experiment so we all have a sweet rodeo ..

Yum yum ..
Sir GA I can see there method with ur cups ...
Styro cuts out easily to open up them roots !!!
Your exceptional thread just received 5 stars and you max rep, waira. :thumbs:
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. And thanks to everyone else, too, with all the spider stories and wild meat-eating plants! :clap:
The Duality found in the content of the different topics earns you a special sticker...


CC' s my nightly candy. :check: Very special bud, and I've no doubt you'll enjoy and appreciate it very much.
Sending strong Green vibes your way!:karma Cloud: :smokebuds:
:tiphat: :Thank You::tiphat: Hi Noods! pleased to 'meet' you,... You are the benevolent and omnipresent one around here, from what I've seen,...LOL! -kinda like brother GoAuto6, but without the 'probing eyes'! LMAO!! Thank you Noods, it's a fine honorific and I'm grateful, and more than a bit surprised! AFN has been a golden find for me, and it's you folks from Admin. to Asst.'s, and fellow members that have made this the only place to be for this venture; I've had all manner of help from many of them, just for the asking, and gladly given!...I try to pay it back however I can, just the same... :smoke:no place like AFN, nope.... :wiz: The cast of characters here is priceless! LOL -there's sooo much going on,...I don't know how you Operations folks keep up! I do know how y'all wind down, though... :brow: I've never tried CC before, and I can't wait to do so! I gather CC has a heavy, sleepy hand...? *** LOL! my spider-gal still is MIA! Thanks Noods, for the karma, repp'age, good vibes, thread stars (everybody), and the special sticker,... which isn't showing up! LMAO!! -Whaaa....! :yoinks: :roflcry:
LOL yea this place is like a International looney bin lol Its full of smart medicated people that the world is afraid to listen to lol IM HOME :hug::tiphat:I never noticed GA6 pot style..saw the cups on pots but not cup on cup on cup..Gots to check it out soon...still like my funnel lol or a PVC pipe.
Can you still not see the sticker waira? I used two computers to check and three different browsers and it's readily visible in all of them. Hmm... :shrug:

I can't take too much credit for all the quick and efficient work that our moderation team does- I'm a bit of a slacker lately, but thankfully my team brothers and sisters are very patient and understanding. The winter months, with short and cold days outside will most definitely force me back to the warmth of my computer pilot's chair and all of my Special Power buttons throughout the forum. LOL But right you are- the team is top notch and wide awake, despite being medi'd up 24/7.

This is the answer I gave Yodabuds in response to the same question about the CC...

It's not like the CC knocks you out and makes you sleep. That's not what I meant to say. It's just that when I smoke it, always at bedtime, it's as if my brain is packed in soft, warm cotton. And it helps me (less DOing on my part) relax the rest of my body into the calm paralytic state that I like to attain while Spirit is out playing. It's wonderful weed.

But it's also very nice for mellowing out and relaxing or partaking in thoughtful, contemplative conversation and making music. The tell-tale, fruity, floral smell upon opening the jar for fresh, rightly cured buds is a highlight every time!

Happy Growing, waira! :smokebuds: :peace:
Not to mention its a FROST MACHINE ..
I had to say it was crucial. ..
Great mind splooge for me ..
I was like WHOA !!!..
THUS I dropped Magic dragon Pollen on the one I grew ..
Noods} CC sounds a lot like a Pure Afghani I grew last season, a kinder, gentler hammer,.. LOL! Like a soft warm lead blanket, very relaxing but without the narcotic face-first pass-the-blanky effects,... I'm really looking forward to it!... and all the Sweet's I have going now.... Man, what a blessing those good folks have brought to AFN, huh! :High 5:
No, sticker's still a no-show... maybe remove and repost will do the trick... or something is wonky at my end; I've been meaning to wave a flag at Jm or whoever your internet specialist is about a few things; I'm finding that if I go back and edit a post, or sometimes send a VM or PM, it baulks, sending an error message without stating what the error is; only if I go through 'advanced' does it clear.... Also if I sit idle for more than about 1 min., and then move to a new page or post something, it takes as much as 30 secs to respond...
Thanks Noods, you too! :stylez rasta smoke: LOL!- I need to look and see what you're up to these days,...You running some SaH goodness currently? His gear is top o' the list for me, whenever I get the chance to grow again...