Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

Hey waira, do you know what this guy is called? And what his game is?

We find them here all over the place- in the compost, in the grass, in the kids' sandbox... They try to run and hide when you "unearth" them, and give you(me) a jolt of adrenaline when found. They're at least as big as mice! And some are evn bigger. Last week when it was so hot we found one that tried to cross the asphalt driveway... I guess he dehydrated and cooked from the inside out because there was nothing left but the dry, fully intact "shell" of him. (I should have taken pics of that one before the kids laid him to rest in the field. Oh well.)


You asked about S_a_H strains, sorry, forgot to answer. I don't have them growing right now, but I do have SBR-70s on the menu for after Christmas. That's one strain that will have a top shelf place in my bud cabinet for many years to come. :thumbs:
alien encounter.jpg
OMG WTF is that Noods:woohoo: looks like a lobster crab cricket thing lol dont drink the water around your house lol MUTANTS lol Hmm maybe that would be fun...Send me some water Noods lol I think I would shit a brick if i was gardening or playing with my kids and saw that that that MONSTER:woohoo: lol
I can't even see what it is lol all I see is a pot. some legs I think lol
LMAO!! That's one of my little mutant minions! :X's Evil Laugh x: I'm training them to dig in preparation of mining into Fort Knox! :WTF: Actually, it's called a Mole Cricket, and they are diggin' machines...not dangerous, but not helpful in the garden either (they eat some vegetation and smaller bugs and worms)... but they are freakishly powerful and to non-biologists, huge and creepy, and can fly too :yoinks: .... LOL! I gotta admit, it's lacks,...charisma....LOL! Hey Swampy, in Asia, these are a fried delicacy,... Mmmm crunchy on the outside,...hoark-inducing on the inside! :roflcry: DD Jr. - drop all the poop bricks you like, they'll bury them for ya, just don't stand around and watch too long, or you'll go in the tubes with them! :beast: **** Everybody I'm tinkering with things on my computer; I'll try firefox to see if that make any diff'; Noods, I'm 'remembered' by the system, no log-in issues, but the delays continue; this computer is hardly tasked, and cleaned regularly... it's something else,.... I'll ask Jm about the bugs, or whoever is the guru-in-chief for this stuff (?)... Thanks y'all....
waira your training them for nothing my bet is only gold in fort Knox is gold colored paint
Yeah mole crickets.make some serious noise too ..
Many mole crickets here ...
retarded loud ..if you know them ...thays what's the wierd noises in swamps ..
Stay in yards and gardens ..
Most bugs pack a mean protein punch ..
6 full grown Red wigglers have as much protein as a Chicken breast ..!!
Waira you can try to run a browser history cleaner... that gave me problems way back on a friends computer.

mole crickets eh? hmmm... never seen one. we have camel crickets here at the house. those are freaky! vegetable spiders too as they love gardens... big fat bodied things! but completely harmless so they live... :D
hola amigos!
waira, i use a mac computer and i am having some troubles with pages, forums and facebook..
i use chrome with facebook, and firefox with the forums, but it dosen't work fine...
how do you have your privacy settings in firefox?

sweet smokes!

Reb} dl'ed ccleaner last night,... ran it, works great.... no change in other issues though,...( I saw ASO, operations, but not ASC; won't it be redundant anyway with ccleaner?).. besides, my McLaffy suite has a built-in cleaner as well, and is run every night, save select cookies so I don't have to re-log into every f'ing where I go! Yes, I know McLaffy blows skin flute, and they're likely outta here, since they made no better offer to keep me for another year...*** I have Windows 7 ** (Jaypp)...still have to try Firefox to see if that helps...frankly, I think it has to do with something here, because I have no such issues anywhere else...

Gotcha ya I got this windows CRAP ..
F...K Windos and there touchy shit ...
Bunk Is ma words for that. ...
--> Amen to that, brudda! So much for the anti-monopoly laws,... Macs are nice in many ways, but their way too much $$ for way too little oompf, which nowadays is a steaming load of pig shit, just another way Apple gets to leg-hump the sycophants and the 'stuck with's'... way I see it Swampy, it's lose-lose, ....

Doob'} Just for the sake of KISS, I'm staying with what I have,... making a bunch of changes almost always turn into a complete clusterfuck of interrelated issues, and I don't need the facial tic that comes with it! LOL!

we have camel crickets here at the house. those are freaky! vegetable spiders too as they love gardens... big fat bodied things! but completely harmless so they live... :D
--> LOL! yeah, they do look a bit weird, we have them here too,... dude, what's a veggie spider? Is this a knickname? A real type of spider? ... If you think Camel crickets look creepy, check out their cousin, the Jerusalem Cricket (potato bug),...lives much like the Mole cricky does,... JC's have gnarly jaws though, like hydraulic powered cuticle nippers!
http://www.google.com/#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=d4672d5011126ec4&q=jerusalem+cricket ...Many years ago I bought a big Praying mantis from a pet shop- coolest bug ever! ... turn everything we see here into poo... LOL!