Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

:High 5: Rainbow Boa's! Cool beans, Doob! Those are so lovely, like they were dipped in liquid Opal.... many year ago I had a Mexican Kingsnake, jet black, with similar opal sheen to him,...Cripes! was he squirrely! and a total escape artist too,... The texture and feel of the body was so cool though, like a live wire, but as he got older and bigger, his temperament became dicey! :X's Evil Laugh x: So, I sold him to a good home...Which species of rattler and rat snake do you have? Are the Rainbows mello, or kinda nasty like I suspect the rat snake is? Doob, you're welcome to shoot me a pic here, I'd love to see Shaka and Khan, and the others too... Black light Scorp' table! That, is such the bachelor pad item! LOL- interesting idea, with the right scorp's.... don't think Emperor's would do... Security check! LOL I'm sure others have done something similar with crazy toxic snakes and a safe of sorts,... :pimpmyride:
AS} LOL! Lucky for me (us), he's always been particularly mello! (never even once struck out in defense or aggression) ...I think their life span can be well over 30 years... Honestly, Alan, I don't think snakes are very sentient, compared to other notably 'intelligent' reptiles like Monitor lizards... Many folks think there snakes 'know' them personally vs. a stranger,...In 27+ years of owning various (smaller) snakes, I've never seen the least sign of such acknowledgement; I tell them it's not a mammal, with a mammal brain, much less a domesticated pet....they literally don't have the brain structure and development for such a thing... they know people aren't food (usually!), aren't danger, so it's all good... unless you, say, handle a rat/other food animal, get it's scent on you, then the snake, then accidents happen because natural reflex and behavior take over... Doob' knows! :yoinks: Whoa! watch out reaching for that water bowl! LOL!
Bearded Drayons are ma Favorite ..
Lizards are astonishing ...
He was chillen cause ur warm waria ..when they feel warmth from below they relax ...
Its there goozs fraba. ....
From what I've heard from the ancients...
See we know dis about gators ..
A Gator make a big old bed ...me mashes that marsh down. With his tail like u could imagine ..
Then the rool it down ...they vomit chunks of food back in it m.

Mash some more Down ..and mash well it makes a play pen .
Then as it rots it males it own island and gators just chill looking for food all day. ..
Big gators got queen and King size beds ya feel me...

They been ma favorite animals since birth ..

Had one once ..Caught it frogging for the first time after the Military. .Caught us a small 3 foots er ..
Tied his mouth and all and made him fit in a Dog harness ..
So we was walking hi. At a Mardi Gras ..! ..in Whiskey Bay area. ..they got a town used to have a cool Mardi Gras but idiots ruined that with drugs about 10 years ago ..that GHB .crap killed some kids ..!!
:High 5: Rainbow Boa's! Cool beans, Doob! Those are so lovely, like they were dipped in liquid Opal.... many year ago I had a Mexican Kingsnake, jet black, with similar opal sheen to him,...Cripes! was he squirrely! and a total escape artist too,... The texture and feel of the body was so cool though, like a live wire, but as he got older and bigger, his temperament became dicey! :X's Evil Laugh x: So, I sold him to a good home...Which species of rattler and rat snake do you have? Are the Rainbows mello, or kinda nasty like I suspect the rat snake is? Doob, you're welcome to shoot me a pic here, I'd love to see Shaka and Khan, and the others too... Black light Scorp' table! That, is such the bachelor pad item! LOL- interesting idea, with the right scorp's.... don't think Emperor's would do... Security check! LOL I'm sure others have done something similar with crazy toxic snakes and a safe of sorts,... :pimpmyride:
AS} LOL! Lucky for me (us), he's always been particularly mello! (never even once struck out in defense or aggression) ...I think their life span can be well over 30 years... Honestly, Alan, I don't think snakes are very sentient, compared to other notably 'intelligent' reptiles like Monitor lizards... Many folks think there snakes 'know' them personally vs. a stranger,...In 27+ years of owning various (smaller) snakes, I've never seen the least sign of such acknowledgement; I tell them it's not a mammal, with a mammal brain, much less a domesticated pet....they literally don't have the brain structure and development for such a thing... they know people aren't food (usually!), aren't danger, so it's all good... unless you, say, handle a rat/other food animal, get it's scent on you, then the snake, then accidents happen because natural reflex and behavior take over... Doob' knows! :yoinks: Whoa! watch out reaching for that water bowl! LOL!
Well you know actually I dont know what the snakes were ..only cuz I caught them in the wild and kept them for a short time and if they ate in capture I kept them longer..I was really stupid and fearless but didnt want to push the odds too far with the rattlers LOL I killed one 4foot and one 6 foot on mothers day a few years back nesting around our pool and houses..Im really stupid lol I pick them up ..My method has worked in a pinch..I see a snake ..the shirt comes off..I use it to cover its head and its over..Into the tank with all you can eat pinks lol...But I have only gotten bitten one time by any animal and and it was a garter snake trying to get out the tank quick reaction pushed down the top and it got me lol scratch..lol..also had a horned toad that I got from Mexico loved that thing the best ..I would have him on my shirt walking around.also had Dino Dogs or mud puppies,different fish love Oscars,Dogs,rots,pits,Shepards,taco bells,Maltese , Akita, Cheesiness crested ,black lab,pit/mastiff, and a Dalmatian LOL wow I didnt know I had so many and i think there is more lol ATM only have 2 cats but want a new puppy for the fam.AT one time I had 11 -15 pits..had to rotate bathroom breaks in 3 groups lol no fighting was more of a rescue !:stylez rasta smoke:Ill try to see if i can dig up some of my snake pics!
BD's are a hoot! They tame up very nicely, and aren't too spastic! My friends are babysitting anothers' 2' child.... Lizards are indeed amazing beasties, Swamp! The whole Monitor family, a window into Era's past when the Big'uns were the Bosses...their behavior, intelligence... ever see a show with one on them up on their haunches having a good look around? Kinda spooky.... Chameleons, never get old to watch and marvel... But the Croc' family, they're something all together different; they split off the evolutionary tree early on from the dinosaurs, and are a most special kind of ancestor,...that they have been around for so long, and changed little in all this time...they have buried nearly all the other creatures that were once their contemporaries, and that is saying something! :Stones slap: ... Swamp, I had no idea that they hoark up chunks of food stuff and used it to season-up and spackle their lairs,... gods, the stench must knock clear back into the airboat!
Had one once ..Caught it frogging for the first time after the Military. .Caught us a small 3 foots er ..
Tied his mouth and all and made him fit in a Dog harness ..
So we was walking hi. At a Mardi Gras ..! ..in Whiskey Bay area. ..they got a town used to have a cool Mardi Gras but idiots ruined that with drugs about 10 years ago ..that GHB .crap killed some kids ..!!
--> :roflcry: Oh man, I'da paid $$ to see that! I hear much lament about what's become of Mardi Gras,...fucking ass-tool college kids and the like...! And the damn synthetic drugs... sorry, no sympathy from me for that shit...

D.D. Jr., Shirts-Off snake wras'ler! You caught them in the wild? Where were you living them (or stationed?) ... no mistaking Rainbows though...:brow: Rattlers at the house,.. no bueno Capt'n! I can tell though bro' you enjoy all kinds of animals! :thumbs: Horned Toads are a total hoot too! They have the dino-look to them as well, but not the temper, ...usually- LOL! a bloody squirt from the eye is a freak show not soon forgotten! Dogs,... has any other animal ever walked beside side us longer? Days when we'd chew at each others fleas..! LOL Ahh, the good ol' days....

Well, basking out in the sun, in a nice group, I felt a simple family portrait would be fun.... here's everybody, in something of a composite shot.... lookin' chunky!



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Plants are looking GREAT! Crazy leaf vertical leaf action there on 3rd pic right:Holy Moly::slap:

True that about Crocs, were Huge back in their hunting Dino days. Came across a pic somewhere of a no f**kin' idea how big Croc leaping out of a river to grab up a I think T-rex!.. NOM NOMS. Clearly not a real pic but a good idea for size ratio
Hi Waira!

The plants are looking very well, thanks for sharing all these beautiful pics of your garden ;)

Keep it up, sweet smokes :thumbs:

Very nice waira..:smokebuds:
Thanks Swampy! Her taller sister is haut too, and I'm wondering if she'll widen up some like the other did outta nowhere! These MoB's are totally on boost now, turbo growth/development mode! Hindsight tells me I should have gone 7gal with these, as the roots now fill the pot solid..:Stones slap: Well, let's see how big they get now,... small trees were not planned for!
Vaped- Dude, I lag, too many folks to try and stay current with and I keep missing out at your thread(s)! thanks bro, for kind words and nice rep-smack! I appreciate it :High 5: *** Yeah, that's the Crm. Mandarine (5gal), and has had those 'raise the roof' leaves for several weeks, locked into... they haven't dropped once! LOL- :shrug: What a gem she is too, her trich's are large and dense in coverage! CM is definitely on of Sweet's flagship strains :D: Have you seen the insane pics Jaypp has posted of his company grow? Off-the-hizzle!! *** The fossil remains of the Supercrocs are sci-fi grade, brother! They've found skulls over 5' in length, and plenty of other fossil remains that give an very clear extrapolated size range of 40'+,... that is fill-your-pants huge... other fossilized meals found in the gut region of more complete skel's include Pterosaurs, flying dinos, that were likely snagged and wedged down just like you say! Ooooh, how we missed the good ol' days... LMAO!!

:tiphat: Sir Thomas, thanks for checking in! You and brother Jaypp are putting on a real show with the journals you're keeping here :Cushty: I love to see your work! I believe the smaller CM, maybe both, will be taken this weekend,...weather helping with some Sun to finish them off! I do have another Sweet Spcl. and Red Poison, in 7l plastic pots, just to see what they can do this late in the season... Fingers crossed for the Green Poison to do her thing over the next few months too! :wiz:
I can see it in mine too and im headed there