Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

I hate the palmetto lol depending on the area they get HUG and fly on you in Australia they chase you at night ! Texas forget about it lol

Ladies Looking wow very nice! Should get a good haul from this round..Snakes the rattlers I caught/killed in Cali and Bama ..Yes I caught the rattlers in the wild but I got the rainbows from a guy at the flea market 2 for 150 and 2 tanks ..lol stole it..very tame and just wanted to bask in the sun while you held it..I never tried anything with the rattlers, just put them in a tank with a weight on top and fed them,then let them go after about 6 months or so.I'm thinking of getting more pets but I also love to travel so I'm thinking no new pats ATM .
Thanks brother Noods!

No way, man. Thank You! You're much smoother than google. I just throw a pic up in here and type in, "Yo, what's that?". Then I go and be constructive (or at least try to impress the perception of my being constructive), come back a while later and have an answer waiting for me. How f'n cool is that?! :High 5:

One Love :peace: :group: :peace:
No way, man. Thank You! You're much smoother than google. I just throw a pic up in here and type in, "Yo, what's that?". Then I go and be constructive (or at least try to impress the perception of my being constructive), come back a while later and have an answer waiting for me. How f'n cool is that?! :High 5:

One Love :peace: :group: :peace:
LOL Its allways good to have Barney Fife :WTF:On the case Or a baked Joan Embery :WTF:LOL OH DAM LOL I loved those big colorful beetles you could tie a string on them and fly them like a KITE lol I have seen some all gold ones that looked like you could melt them down and make a ring .:stylez rasta smoke:
Hey Doob! ..losing track of you again,...LOL! there's some funny shit at the combo thread for you, and your infamous 'syndrome'...:roflcry:.... **** It was in FL that I had Palmetto Bugs... they at least hated being inside! Unlike their relatives....:cuss:
...fly on you in Australia they chase you at night!
--> That's 'cause you smelt purdy to them! LOL!!
Thanks bro', but I don't know about the haul part... I'm pretty fed up with outdoor autos, as you well know; this time I'm :shrug: about what happened.... The CM's though should still fill a nice size jar for me though, and the quality looks fantastic! :drool:
What happened to the Boas, Doob? Did you have to sell them later on? Boy, you sure did steal them, for that price!... It's a good thing that you had mellow ones,... their temperament can be pretty variable between individuals... LOL! the rattlers, I'd be content to just have a look and let'm go, safety allowing,... Yes my friend, from what you've said, you got a pretty good size zoo already...!

Noods}- LOL!! :tiphat: At your service, mate! I like'm, so fire away when ready... at least you have the cool colored ones! And big freaky digging ones- :brow: LOL!

009.jpg011.jpg<-- here's my macro-vermin patrol unit! Grumpy ol' Gopher snake, buzzing his tail at me and givin' me the stink-eye!
I thought for sure you would laugh at the barney fife comment lol The boas I actually bought for my best friend and he gave them to another friend but they are still around I think..Ill ask if how they are..I actually forgot about them till now lol I have 2 big tanks with nothing in them I like cools stuff ..The wife wants some chameleon she loves their eyes.The ones with the crazy colors the panthers i think they are called.
*** (I did Doob! I missed your post because mine sat on screen for a couple hours before I got back to it and posted :Stones slap:) ----- :roflcry: Damn Doob, talk about dusting off an old character! LOL! Sorry mate, but my eye-balls don't bugger out like ol' Dons' did... Baked Joan Embrey!! :crying: Dude, now that's hilarious!! I remember seeing her on the old Tonight Show with Carson, the hot blonde with the beasties! she was good, better than Jack Hanna, who's such an awkward interview clusterf*ck most of the time... *** Chameleons are frickin' brilliant! There are a fair number of species, Jackson's 3 Horned being one of the most recognized, but they're difficult, high maintenance pets for the most part.... not to mention $$$! But it's been years since I've looked into them, so who knows nowadays! Good to hear the Rainbows found a nice home! I'm surprised you didn't keep one,... :smoke:
Very nice waira..
Thanks Duggy! I'm tryin', mate!

Swampy]- A' right, a' right! It's been a whole 5 days since the last posts,...(damn, 5 days?) *pheeew* -feels like yesterday.... LOL! One of the HR girls is coiming in for dark time, maybe the smaller Crm. M' too.....
WEEK 10+ Porn update, 'cuz Swampy say so! ... and he's right!

001.jpg002.jpg<-- NEWS: Y'all inspired me (Romeo & Swamp) to have a go with some LST,... the Sweet seedings were notably stiffer than this lone GhD/C99, so for my novice attempt, I didn't want to get cute with the smaller Sw. Special and Red Poison (this strain has stouter than usual stem build,... what have the rest of you seem with RP?)... I'll have a better more careful testing later tonight with the SS, and see if I can get away with it ... Pot angled steeply to help with growth direction (thanks R-man!)
005.jpg006.jpg<-- CM and CC- just days away from done! Smaller CM is in dark cycle, and gets chopped tomorrow....:booya:

019.jpg020.jpg021.jpg<-- GP, RP, Sw. Spcl.} (20 days first two, 27 for SS) ....picking up speed and filling in pretty well... the supp' lighting is helping, just not as much as I hoped... looking into a decent HO system put costs well over $100, not worth it for this one use, and then ?????....
022.jpg023.jpg<--RP, SS @ about 2 weeks....
What is the age of your CM & CC. Any close-ups. I do think the CC's flower very early. I grew two at different times, during my soil misadventures. Small, yet, ripe and tasty.


Well, I put this on my thread. I will share it herein, because this is the "Snake Hunters" haven.

Early's snake advise: Drape them around your neck. They won't harm you, unless, they bite you.***

***Add ..unless they strangle you. Early was chiefly concerned with venomous snakes used during his religious conversion-----:twist:. A must see episode of Squidbillies.