Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

Student of the bonsai have become you. :karma Cloud:
:roflcry: Ah-ha! See?? :roflcry: :finger: :smoke: Hack on me, and I take mind-control of your cat to turn your girlies into kitty poo! :X's Evil Laugh x: ....If there ever was a badge for LTS, it'd be a picture of brother Stunted! :High 5:
Stunted is a class act and he has the best sense of humor. If you prod him a bit he might share some Aussie stories. He tell some fun ones.
LOL the snakes Alan lol I need to download the SQUIDS I love them too..sooo stupid funny..OH and the TICK member him lol but my shizzle Is Aqua tem hunger force lol master shake kills me lol Hop digityHey Waria you got some super powers you resisted the CHOP EYES :Cushty:How long you gona keep it in the dark?My friend told me he had one he forgot about in the closet for 2 months..took it out and it was FROST CITY LOL :smokebuds:
LMAO!! That's what I call a slow cure, Doob! And your instincts are right, I didn't wait, they were ready... the tiny Gh/C99/C99 fucking lollipop and the smaller CM are now filling my room with their heavenly scents!!
003.jpg Meager, but looking fierce potent! I have other pre-and post chop pics, but this fucking POS computer and software is contesting the upload! Gonna chop something else inna minute...:Stones slap: :cuss:
*** I enjoy most of the whole Adult Swim line up, really,...
Brother Vaped'! Thanks for the kind words and the *smeck* upside da head! :stylez rasta smoke:
What is the age of your CM & CC. Any close-ups. I do think the CC's flower very early. I grew two at different times, during my soil misadventures. Small, yet, ripe and tasty.
:Stones slap: Sorry mate, I spaced this post.... all the Crm. Sweets are going to be 12 weeks the 28th; the larger CM is going down in a couple-few days, and the CC not far behind... this one didn't do well for me; I'm not happy with the bud structure, specifically the typical outdoor auto crappy leaf:calyx ratio... what's there is frosty as all get-out though! She seems to be resisting yellowing out, so a closer inspection of the trich's will be my gage on readiness... :wiz:
[video=youtube;UiILv6ASjEM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiILv6ASjEM[/video]just boppin in to say hello! nice group of lady's!:smokebuds: