Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

Hop digityDoin' the Chop-Eye's Shuffle! :booya::hump:
Crm. Mandarine and GhD/C99 (purple) are on da rack!....
Others are going to get not so subtle hints to finish the hell up!... Trich's still say "not yet",... but some dry around the roots will change that tune,... :brow:


001.jpg003.jpg<-- GhD/C99
I would smoke that in 2 hrs ,...1 DOOBIEASHTRAY SIZE Blunt harvest rep:roflcry:
<-- I don't think you're kidding either!! :smoke: LOL! Doob, you and wifey need an ash-CAN, not a 'tray'! LOL!
Swampy - Your CM is gonna steal your heart, bro! :KISS: LOL- She has some interesting parentage, which I'd like to see one of your guys try someday...(I think it's Ice Cool or something that CM is back-crossed with); The aroma is unique, ambiguous citrus notes, earthy dank, sweet floral mixed in there....Bergamot?
My older RP is now showing some purple tint to the pistils (Romeo, RE: comp. thread)....
Did I hear harvest coming? Words that always perk my ears.
<-- LMAO!! And other things...qwell, maybe I'll get that excited when I harv' the MoB's,...and some larger Sweet Girls, if I get a break here! Thanks for the tip on tucking the fan leaves, I'll poke around and see what she needs... LOL! the angle of the camera made her look like she's bending that way more than she is; at this point now, she's all the torqued on she's going to get... time to let the top cola do her thing, besides, there's no more room between nodes now! :D:
:slap: those are some crusty girls waira
Oh nice:smokeit: the color is so sweet man..now comes the drying and the smelling and the smoking oh yea :dance2::dance2:You will have allot of smoke reports under your belt soon!:woohoo:
**** A Quick Blurb Update*** :dance2::dance2::dance2:***Fall Girls Show****

016.jpg<---CC- @ week 12+, going dark tomorrow, Sat. Chop-Eyes comin' to town! Final pics then....

{Older Fall Girls @ nearly 6 & 5 weeks} Again, these have had supplemental lighting, not great, but it's made a real difference compared to previous ones that didn't; more about that later :)cuss:)....
002.jpg017.jpg<--Red Poison - Starting to see some rich color in the calyxes now, along with pale purple hairs...Funny build on this strain,... 0 side branch development... something for the WTF files...:shrug:
003.jpg012.jpg<--Sweet Special- This is more like it!
004.jpg<-- Green Poison F1 fast - her growth is as advertised, even in the declining Sunlight hrs; I've decided to set her outside full time now, so flowering can be triggered- LOL! times'a-wastin'! I can tell she could grow much more though,.... It'll be a nail-biter to get to harvest, and what she produces in Q & Q...

**Trailer Girls** ....about 10 days behind the others... LOL!... also, these are in mostly Happy Frog, and obviously, plastic pots... all are smaller at the same age than their big sisters, but went into flowering not long after they did, oddly,...
005.jpg<-- Odd Girl Out GhD/C99- a little LST action, just for fun! ...gonna go with OGO for her here on out!
006.jpg<-- SwSp - true to form, just like big sis'...
007.jpg<--RP- Ditto,...

008.jpg<-- ?? LOL! lost track of who this is...:Stones slap: maybe OGO?

001.jpg <-- :yoinks: :Coolio: Creature Feature Time!! :X's Evil Laugh x: This is a Wolf Spider mama with an absolute back-full of babies!!


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WTF is up with the server/software tonight?:cuss: Balky, twitchy, malfunctioning on sizing selection, now this?? Never mind the attachments at the bottom, ...they weren't even selected to go in,...:face:
what does the cc smell of?
Hey Sniper! Hmmm, it's a complex mix, no one thing stands out,... right now, this eve, I'm getting earthy, heady spice, some sweet, and maybe nutty? LOL! It's a nice blend, however you slice it! I just hope the dry and cure doesn't wash it out, like it usually seems to do with smaller buds,... My CM and the HR stubs aren't holding their aromatics well.... and it's pissing me off! My temps and RH have been a little above optimal ranges (low 70's, about 60% RH ave's),; bottom line, no extremes, and what I harv'ed last Sat. will be jar-ready by tomorrow... this happened with other autos as well, at perfect conditions... my photo's last year, under the same conditions, dried and cured perfectly... this last round, they got 4 days on the mesh dry rack, then some time in paper bags to buffer RH some...I have Rosenthals' and Cervantes' books, BTW, as well as all the info here on this process...
Oh! I missed a response to you at the Comp thread, regarding your delish' Orange stir fry/bake! With dark meats! Usually I associate citrus with chicken and pork dishes, but I'm game to try new flavor combo's! Expand on the recipe for me, and I'll have a go at it! :wiz: ... I'm getting so buried in thread following and upkeep, it seems I'm always behind these days!... thanks for rollin' through, mate! :stylez rasta smoke:
its simple really grate 1-4 orange peels and juice them after the amount of oranges depending on the amount of meat add the juice to what ever your cooking in then some course ground black pepper i like alot of pepper myself then sprinkle the grated peels on top and cook
red meat i put in a pan cover with a lid and fry. chick gets baked

pan fryed the oj reduces and the steak gets a candied orange taste to it with a hit of pepper :drool:

i have noticed a metabolism boost i lost 10lbs in a month without exercise
well maybe some 1gram curls helped :smokebuds:
Looking lovely Waria
And sounding Good Snipe i.mightbe trying dag as Well
I like Grilled fruits pineapple peaches
Ill get mea Pic of my new Scallop dish we made yesterday
Off to work to lay taxes