Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

**** A Quick Blurb Update*** :dance2::dance2::dance2:***Fall Girls Show****

View attachment 269180<---CC- @ week 12+, going dark tomorrow, Sat. Chop-Eyes comin' to town! Final pics then....

{Older Fall Girls @ nearly 6 & 5 weeks} Again, these have had supplemental lighting, not great, but it's made a real difference compared to previous ones that didn't; more about that later :)cuss:)....
View attachment 269166View attachment 269181<--Red Poison - Starting to see some rich color in the calyxes now, along with pale purple hairs...Funny build on this strain,... 0 side branch development... something for the WTF files...:shrug:
View attachment 269167View attachment 269176<--Sweet Special- This is more like it!
View attachment 269168<-- Green Poison F1 fast - her growth is as advertised, even in the declining Sunlight hrs; I've decided to set her outside full time now, so flowering can be triggered- LOL! times'a-wastin'! I can tell she could grow much more though,.... It'll be a nail-biter to get to harvest, and what she produces in Q & Q...

**Trailer Girls** ....about 10 days behind the others... LOL!... also, these are in mostly Happy Frog, and obviously, plastic pots... all are smaller at the same age than their big sisters, but went into flowering not long after they did, oddly,...
View attachment 269169<-- Odd Girl Out GhD/C99- a little LST action, just for fun! ...gonna go with OGO for her here on out!
View attachment 269170<-- SwSp - true to form, just like big sis'...
View attachment 269171<--RP- Ditto,...

View attachment 269172<-- ?? LOL! lost track of who this is...:Stones slap: maybe OGO?

View attachment 269165 <-- :yoinks: :Coolio: Creature Feature Time!! :X's Evil Laugh x: This is a Wolf Spider mama with an absolute back-full of babies!!
Things look to be shapeing up in your neck of the woods! They all look frosty as hell and look like they may give you a nice nest egg lol dam so sad though..every chop brings you closer to the end of your grow season :worm:
Waria how do they eat outdoors

I fed mine this am which i knew better but im getting a bump i dont think they need that extra 2.5 humic
Only thing i did outta order and im catching a lil burp.
I gave em.waterand im ginna give em a lil water kater tonight but just asking
I think i mightof pijss em off a Little
Nothings wrong I was to parinoid they were still waking up but. Was a lilto.much feed i guess l ,
Perfect pushing glow now !!!
I dig this photo update. Happy and healthy plants in the sun. The way nature intended.

BTY--the Purple Paro Valley I keep teasing you with, well, Astro starts his tonight. Can't wait to see how it grows under his expert care.

Sometimes, the forum acts up. Nevertheless, I liked the attached photos.
Things look to be shapeing up in your neck of the woods! They all look frosty as hell and look like they may give you a nice nest egg lol dam so sad though..every chop brings you closer to the end of your grow season :worm:
<--- Thanks Doob! Yes, indeed,... but at least this latest batch of autos have done the best of all, and because they're so fast I got basically 2 1/2 grows in, so I can't complain about that,... I tested the CM harv'ed last weekend, and it's very potent!... which means 3-4 bong hits and all you're good for is Adult Swim! LOL!
Swampy, because most were so small, I can only say they were fairly light feeders, but I was not aggressive with the food given previous probs,... they just weren't big enough to draw much... Inever went over 1/2 strength, but I did feed 2 or more times a week, depending on what I saw, I custom blends things each time, no formula per se....I'll post more feed/sup details tonight, as I've been remiss on that for dumb reason,..! LOL!- you can tell real quick with'm when you've over done things a bit! Sheesh, such pissy plants sometimes!... With your TLO, even other soils like mine are hard to compare, apples to apples, see? You got sooo much more going on in there vs. mine, even with my inoculants...:wiz:
Hey Alan! -they are a lovely sight in the Sun! Cameras do no justice,... PPV! sounds like you and Astro have been sleeping with the seeds under you pillows, just to near them! LMAO!! :KISS: I gonna enjoy watching you two flesh those beauties out later,.... :D:
Hey Waira, im happy to see everything goes great in your sweet garden. Thanks for the update and all the pics.
I'll keep passing by.
..Been remiss with specifics of my nute' regime... :Stones slap: Big picture, since I'm using some new stuff (Sea Grow Bloom, fish goo (5-1-1), Ca-Mg, honey, Microbe Brew, and now worm poop tea made from local horse poop worm compost); I'm taking an approach similar to how I fert' my orchids: lesser strength, more frequent dosing... I dose, I watch to see how they respond, and next time make adjustments, if any... typically I'm running at about 2/3 strength on the primary fert's, 1/2 Ca-Mg,... any sup's like Big Bloom, inoculant/poop tea, etc. at full,... Usually things are blended; with the tea, just add some Ca-Mg, honey, BB, and let stew for a day or two, in a wide shallow drywall bucket for decent gas exchange....

:dance2: :wiz: Compared to previous auto grows, this is going the best by far,...the supp' lighting is doing it's trick, even if it's on the weak side,...for the improv', super low key/tech set up it is, it's enough to make a case for any outdoor grow of autos: some extra hours of light are critical, unless you're happy with (mostly) mono-cola microplants! The buds are fuller, denser, and further along at the same age as well... aromatics are coming on nicely, not well resolved yet of course, but I'll make notes of specifics soon! :D:

:check: Keep in mind, all these were in pots at the end of July! :smoke:

004.jpg005.jpg<-- RP (younger)- This one has the trademark coloring, and trich' coverage!

008.jpg001.jpg003.jpg<-- Sw. Sp.'s-(older, younger at end).. this little gal is a gem!.. total pom-pom buds, blowing up very well, holding density... smaller one is much the same, just a week behind...
011.jpg010.jpg<--GP (F1fast) -doing the radar dish trick following the Sun... still veg'ing, but the crown is starting to look suspiciously dense,...:brow: hope she's getting the message! BLOOM
013.jpg012.jpg<--RP- (older) filling in well, funny side buds and all; I pretty sure at this point she's one of the 20%'ers w/o the coloring,...but the trich's,...!!
006.jpg007.jpg<--OGO- already looking better than her earlier sister GhD/C99's... in the future, I'm doing more LST!


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:stylez rasta smoke: Jaypp, welcome back from your holiday! Thanks for checking in,...the Sweet Girls are starting to strut their stuff...:D: You and Tommy need to send some sexy Sweet Ju-Ju to my Grn. Poison, so she starts to get busy with the flowers! :brow: The Sweet Special's are proving to be particularly happy outdoors,... I can't wait to see how they finish! See you at the Sweet Spot!!
hey waira stopped in to say hello, and ogle your girl's:drool::drool::drool::drool:beautiful, bodacious,boisterous,babe's ,brandisihing big buds!:D:
:face::shrug:i never grew up!:no:
that sweet special looks like its gonna be dense

how old is the gp F1? seems to me photos will grow roughly a month then go into flower atleast indoors started on 12/12 from seed