Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

R & AS} :tiphat: thanks guys, and it ain't no fun without the rest of y'all.... update time tomorrow, hopefully with naughty hottie c/u's of da goods!
{WEEK 10}

:booya:Coming down to the wire now! The pics pretty much tell it all,... they're responding well to the Sea Grow bloom, building up fresh tiers of new buddage, and most importantly, fattening up! Lots of fog this last several weeks has definitely slowed things down some... I thought more would be closer to done by this time, but that can change quickly,...:brow: got some c/u porn this time, however crude, to show off the crazy trich' load these beaut's are carrying! Thank you Sweet Seeds for the genetic goodness!! Aromatics are heavenly, just like they planned!....

009.jpg 010.jpg<--Crm Caramel- growing this odd 'skirt' of buds
011.jpg012.jpg<-- Crm. Mandarine (5gal) this ones bud build is identical to my taller B.Lee, longish and narrow
013.jpg014.jpg<--CM (3gal)- this girl is a mini brickhouse!

006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg<-- Fall Babes: Red Poison, Green Poison, Sweet Special ( has a week+ on the other 2)

003.jpg<-- :smoke: check out my new Gnat patrol unit!! How cute is that?! LOL!... baby Blue Belly (Western fence Swift), saw it for the first time today; can't be more than a couple days old.... LMAO!! and what a merry little chase it led me on to gently catch it too... trust me, this little ones speed was astonishing! Only reason I caught it at all is because it got trapped in a corner,.... move real slow and they won't panic,...once on you, they seem to settle down, and just sit there enjoying the sun... I had to literally nudge it off my hand when I tried to put it down!
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Must be fun to grow outback. Just like the looks of outdoor canna.

Poison is good in some circumstances. :no: I wonder about the name of some strains. The one that gets me is--Green Crack. Terrible name.

The Blue Belly = canna security. The lizard whisperer.
AS} thanks bro'! yeah, strain names sometimes leave me shaking my head, and Green Crack is top o' the heap! other names I've seen for it are Green Dragon, and Bubble Berry... It's really a fine strain to... got some right now in fact :stylez rasta smoke: One sniff and you know it!
Blue Bellies are a gas to watch too! they're very territorial, and do all kinds of push-ups and head bobbing to flash their color's at each other, and chase each other around!
Now, here's the reptile Boss around the property! LOL!- my 24 yo buddy Slang, a Ball Python.... got him in '89! ...gentle as a lamb, and my nieces favorite 'toy' when she was a kid! She spent a good part of her young life with this guy riding shotgun wrapped around her somewhere...
Nice, frosty weed, waira. :clap: And the four legged GPU is sweet! :thumbs:
Thanks for sharing. :pass:
Slang is a dandy. Has he mellowed with age. After so many years together Slang must know the routine. :tiphat:
Sweet ..lol In my fam im know as The Beast Master lol I had 2 Colombian rainbow boas named Shaka ANd Khan also rattle and rat snakes ,I wanted to make a glass scorpion table with black lights to store my weed lol thought it would be cool but they dont do well with company and just one would be a waste lol