Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

<WEEK 8>

:ladies: Let the fattening begin!! I think a few more weeks, if the weather cooperates, and these girls will be ready! The aromas are heavenly already,...:D: Trich's are also building very nicely,... Early frost warning!!

009.jpg<-- Crm. Caramel - She is a mini-shrub already!... gonna have to keep a close eye on her as she fills in, for potential mold...

010.jpg011.jpg<-- Crm. Mandarines - 5 & 3gal.)- 3 is just silly,... looks like the top off a bigger plants' cola! Buds are stout, well formed.... 5 has some work to do, but she's getting there...

Fall babies!
012.jpg<- Sweet Special

013.jpg<- Red Poison

014.jpg<--Green Poison

LOL that 1 light for indoor..my plan is working perfectly:X's Evil Laugh x:Im 100% sure you could figure out how to make a stash room/panic room for your ladies..what the hell you gona do when summers over ? watch us all winter and grow small cups? LOL that wont do at all...lol So just get in the attic crawl space or something already! Buy a wardrobe something lol
....Ouch but he's right mm.get them sweets indoor ...they to sweet for nature lol ...

Doobois & Swampy} LOL!! you guys are killin' me! I would surely love to go full indoor, LED, etc.,...but here I just can't, so outside it is... And yes, I will have to settle for watching you guys crank out the goods this winter!... not really by choice...
**Swampy, have you got to the Nepenthe section in Savage Garden yet? Crazy cool! These are the one that can trap small mammals, birds,... The sundews would certainly snack well on the gnats, but you'll need a pretty sizable plant to be effective,... now that I think about it, light levels may get kinda weak at floor level when the ladies get taller....Hmmmm

Sniper} Thanks for the anti-vermin tip! I sealed up the underside of the house there too, and I've been watching for wabbits, but they know death lurks close by, so they remain elusive...:firedevil:
Thanks for swingin' by y'all!
Dude! They look great! Great to see the little ones up and out!! :beast: Here we grow! You're in for a treat! The CC I hear is killer killer meds!!
Hi waira,
thanks for the pics, all them are lookin very good!
I hope you enjoy your Cream Caramel ;)
Rebel u never grew out the Cream Caramel ..
Oh man you should ..

Waria I've hear it mentioned but not there solidly ..
I'm on like page 19 or summn ...i got distracted since the first night but I plan on it today .
Yes they are know to catch small monkeys and large birds, Bats,etc ...
and the one that the little shop of horrs was made after....
The man eating version ...
I'd believe it. !!!
LOL FEED ME DOOBIE lol thats what my ladies tell me every morning lol..wow everything looks TOPs this go, should get you some good quality meds from the lot.not a bunch of hash plants :p Next summer ill try some outdoor...my seeds for outdoor didnt come in time or yet lol Well if you wont be growing this winter U can do a Virtual grow for ya lol U tell me what to add and how much and when and ill take the pics LOL I do have some of the nutes u have too lol:piggy Hug::crying:Hey now their is a contest for you pen pal team growing lol PEN PAL u know im old lol
what's your winter temps outdoors waira
Hey Sniper! Winter temps can be pretty variable, but typically 50's-60's day, 40's at night, but can dip either way a fair bit with the right weather patterns.... Whatcha have in mind?
:stylez rasta smoke: Here are a few pics of the 3 little late season Indians, which are getting some supplemental lighting... it's helping but the lumen output is just okay, so I may look into more powerful alternatives....

001.jpg<- Red Poison

002.jpg<- Sweet Special

003.jpg<-Green Poison