Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

:D that's why its called wild and wonderful ;) the spotted pitcher plants grow wild here and humming birds love them they are also called jewel weed or touch me not http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impatiens also its a natural cure for poison ivy and stinging nettle rashes

those spiders spin a extra strong web an as i teenager i learned the like to build webs across atv paths about face high then they hang out in the middle of the web and i didn't wear a helmet so my fix for that was to cut a branch and put it sticking up on the front of the atv

@rebel those wolf spider we get those to and ive stepped on one trying to kill it when i lifted my foot it ran off :no:
Bro those wolf spiders are no joke! Stomping them or sweeping them up does no good either. They'll live in the sweeper!!
:crying::roflcry::crying: Rebel, Swampy, Sniper, Bud Head, Stick', Alan, Vaped,... you guys are killin' me! LMFAO!! And thanks a whole butt-:hump: lot for the harsh vibes you sent to my poor pest control gal!! She literally cut her web down and moved away!! :rofl: :poof: gone, overnight, not even the support lines were left! Vaped' at least has good reason to be afraid, considering the 'angry natives' he has to reckon with! SFW spider are among the worst there is for sheer toxicity, :finger: attitude, and the power equipment to back it up,...fangs are out of proportion scary-huge!

So I go all walking up to it, stop, and lean over. I'm still thinking it's fake. So I decide to try and pick it up. As I put my hand closer to it it reared up it's two front legs like "don't f*ck with me". I just about shit my pants man... I seriously think my heart stopped... I just went screaming out of the porch into the house like a little b*tch LMFAO! Ever since that moment I hate f*cking big spiders!
--> :crying: scarred for life!!...Classic! Yeah, it was probably a Wolf spider like Sniper said, but,...
Two months after we moved in this house my Mom was down visiting. She was helping me sort shit and empty boxes and I slid this one box out and this f*cking Spider as big as my damn HAND came waltzing out from behind the box. Before I could say *shitfuckpiss* my Mom took off her sandal and whacked it like Bruce Lee! LMAO! She looked at me and said "I think that's the biggest spider I've ever seen". I'd have to concur. It's legs were out to the side almost crab like. I don't know what it was but it was insanely huge and there was no way we were sleeping with that in the house! I've had way too many run ins with the 8 legged freaks and I hate it.
--> *LMAO!!* (thank you, well put!)... I think that huge one might have been a Huntsman, genuinely large, big ol' legs, very flat and low posture, and move like they f*cking teleport! nothing to fill you pants about, danger-wise... LOL! -but uncomfortable roommates! Yes, we have smaller versions of the Sun Spider here ('tailless whiptail scorp's').... gnarly little shits though! Front 1/3 of body is all jaws, and fearless! LV area has many of the native species from this whole family... more bogus roommates! :smoke:

My gf and I were in VN 1/2 decade or so ago. There are exotic bugs and lizards all over. They take shelter inside cafes, hotels etc. The family owned inn we stayed at had a big free standing tub with a shower handle. On the first night, I was in the tub and looked to the wall against the tub and there was a hand sized brown tarantula. It stared at me and then ran like lightening under the sink. The next day, the girls came in with a hose and sprayed the bathroom trying to get him out. They did not see him. In the end, my sessions in the bathroom were quick--thereafter.
--> LOL! No pardon needed, mate- consider this a satellite branch of Rvrnd. Rebel Rouser's Diner :brow: That's great about your Dad, AS! -not all dem critters are bad news,... LOL! Now, VN.... there's a scary critter place, NFJ! ...at least that spider took off,... some other things, like 11" centipedes, have no concept of 'going away now...', and are truly dangerous! It'd turn that tarantula into poo,... No doubt, I'd fill my pants for sure if I had one mono-parading over my body! the tips of their legs are like needles, and when they grip, it's over! NFT brothers!! -crazy colors though.... :D:

great, nightmares tonight!... I HATE SPIDERS ...try picking corn in a corn field only to see one big ass webs with a big ass yellow and black corn spider sittin in the middle on the ear of corn you were just going to pick scarring the hell out of you (when your 5-6yrs old!).. I still hate them, specially the big black ones I sometimes see in the basement if they don't get squished I suck them up in the vacuum, I know I got em when I feel the thunk of their body hitting the bend in the vacuume hose by the handle.. or how about those brown recluse spiders and their flesh eating bacteria, goodnight all!​
--> :crying: -another scarred for life!! Maybe you and Reb can get counseling together!! :roflcry: Were these web builders, BH, or rovers like the Wolfies? ....LMAO!! I know that feeling! That's the same as when I suck up the damn Black Widows that are ubiquitous around here, inside especially! :cuss:
:High 5: Thanks guys!.... now I have to go woo my hairy-legged chick back!! :roflcry:
Pitcher plants rock for sure ...
I just got me some yesterday and now yall talking bout them ....
Mine are very little ...
Also got this long tentacle wire plant that had hairs like Cray Cray ....
Mosquitos attach and be dissolved. ..
So those pitchers begin to REAK ...
mine are like 6-8 inches long ....

Awesome stuff tho ...

Fucking nature !!!
waria ..do u have them in Peat ...
Dude told me either Peat or Sand ...
So I put them in seedling peat and about 30% perlite....per say the breeder/farmer!!!
the red/pink plant is basil

:slap: +rep thanks had a suspicion it was wild basil the green ones are the same kind of plants must be a different pheno
6700} Good eye, bro! LOL! -I knew I've seen them somewhere at a nursery before...:Stones slap:

Big'un}- Good score, my friend! Did you get the same type? -tall, narrow, well hooded,... my pic has many immature pitchers in it, so only a few are fully developed (taken in spring); there are several types, and lots of special cultivars usually available only from specialty places, but worth it! I know what the other is, Swampy, from your description: it's a Sundew... the leaf may be longish and strap-like, or spoon shaped (several shapes exist), with hundreds of goo-tipped tentacles sticking up from the top surface, right?... And yes, they can digest a bug faster than even Venus Flytraps! :twist: *uuurp!!* LOL! -they will truly reek, mon amie, when they get chock-full of rotting bugs, especially in the warm humid climate you're in! Also amusing is the sad, piteous buzzing of trapped victims, clambering over the stinking corpses of others... the view inside is something surely out of bug-Hell!! The media is pretty flexible; peat is most important part, mixed with sand and perlite, at about 3:1:1 is what I use, but you should be just fine... never let them dry though, or use water with any kind of significant hardness,... you know your swamp water, very soft and a bit acidic.... weak ferts' are okay as a infrequent treat... and at least 2/3 day full sun...ditto for the Sundew, or any other carnivore what tickles yer fancy! :D: All these crazy adaptions for catching bugs has one purpose- N, baby -the primary limiting nutrient in their natural habitat... pitchers have the weakest digestive juices of all, but have bacteria to help them- LOL! -they make their own tea, bro!

001.jpg-->here's a better pic...

:wiz: And these trippy little pitchers are Cephalotus, an Aussie native that is unique; they're not even sure what it's related to... the two combined are worth about $1000, no lie.... divisions 1/3 the size of the small one go for about $90+!... the big one is a clusterfuck tangle, which I tried to divide last season, but the roots were wound together like cable, and messing with roots on nearly all carnivores will seriously stress them... if you need to transplant, wait until winter dormancy... Swampy, the best book out there is The Savage Garden, by Peter D'Amato...covers the whole lot from all over the world very well.. Where you live, you could grow Nepenthes easily; this is a pitcher-type plant (no relation) that forms pitchers from tendrils at the very tip of the large leaves, and they can get huge if you have the right species; I'm talking about 2 cups+ of juice in a pitcher 10-12" tall, hangin' off the tendril-tip of the leaf... look'm up! you'll dig....:tiphat:

Just ordered it bro as per the Guys suggest ...
And yes Sundews. ....
Ok so can or have u ever used these around the garden ...like companion style ...
Seems like it's a waste ...just move the containers around the veggies makes better sence ...
Yeah I think I got some like urs and a few are tall ...

I'm gonna be reading and spending some time collecting these they made cool ...
I have had my fair share of stiches bro ...
U read my thread ...Im experminting with a few of Gil Carandangs home brews ...

Fish Hyrdo is coming soon as I just made a small batch of bad salmon from work ...
And a few oystershells brewing in vinegar ..
I'm gonna do that for a minute ...

I'll send ya a shout on da PM ...
Sniper} LMAO!! I got nailed all the time riding dirt bikes in my younger days! ... I like the branch sweeper too, good idea- LOL! ...love those natives, huh!... well, maybe not the spiders,... :stylez rasta smoke:
Reb]- I learned the hard way about smashing huge bugs in Florida,... there's this cockroach species there called Palmetto bugs, about 4" long!! *ugh* digusting! -but at least they hated being inside... Anyway, after stomping on one inside, the spray of gore over the floor and bottom of my shoe discouraged that from happening again!! :roflcry: OMFG, the feel and sound of it,... :yoinks:-:face: -clean-up almost made me chunder the linoleum! Baaad idea, Jeeves...

Swampy} One last thing I forgot: they must sit in a tray of water, about 15-20% the height of the pot they're in...