I don't see why not... they all like the most light you can give them! however, the pitcher plant isn't the best choice for this, brother, as the traps are made for bigger prey suckah's! The Sundews, however, and another flat rosette leafy thing called Butterworts will readily trap gnats... What I don't know is how many will be needed to be effective, vs. the space and hassle to care for them... they will certainly help, but are no panacea against them, is my call...but a well grown Sundew is a wonder to behold, lovely, trippy,.. deadly! -LOL! I like the spoon-shaped leaf type best, but the take many forms, even multi-split forks, and will eventually form a solid mat of death! prolific seeders too, buy one, knock some pollen around if bugs don't get to it, and seeds pour out all over the place! You'll have them forever! ...a few years ago, I let one just
go, rather than pinch the spike off, just to see,... next spring I got this green and red putting green of tiny plants- It looked too damn cool!! Later though, as they grew, it became an invasive mess, and had to clear them out! Excellent while it lasted though,..
: Oh, Butterworts -LOL! lost my train of thought (blame the B. Lee again on that!... gotta try this strain someday, Sniper- you likey!) these have nice wide overlapping leaves, the surface of which is coated in a fine layer of oily-goo; gnats are about all they can catch though... nice flowers too... easy grow... sundews can take much bigger things, and in mass, they can hold onto strong bugs like locusts, etc.,... the leaf can slowly wrap around the prey as well (forgot to mention that earlier)... becomes a macbre graveyard of grotesque corpses eventually! :X's Evil Laugh x: fun fun!