Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

can the pitcher plants be grown in the tent with the girls? cause i just can't get rid of gnats no matter what i do and if i can get a plant to do the pest control that would be sweet :D
I don't see why not... they all like the most light you can give them! however, the pitcher plant isn't the best choice for this, brother, as the traps are made for bigger prey suckah's! The Sundews, however, and another flat rosette leafy thing called Butterworts will readily trap gnats... What I don't know is how many will be needed to be effective, vs. the space and hassle to care for them... they will certainly help, but are no panacea against them, is my call...but a well grown Sundew is a wonder to behold, lovely, trippy,.. deadly! -LOL! I like the spoon-shaped leaf type best, but the take many forms, even multi-split forks, and will eventually form a solid mat of death! prolific seeders too, buy one, knock some pollen around if bugs don't get to it, and seeds pour out all over the place! You'll have them forever! ...a few years ago, I let one just go, rather than pinch the spike off, just to see,... next spring I got this green and red putting green of tiny plants- It looked too damn cool!! Later though, as they grew, it became an invasive mess, and had to clear them out! Excellent while it lasted though,.. :D: Oh, Butterworts -LOL! lost my train of thought (blame the B. Lee again on that!... gotta try this strain someday, Sniper- you likey!) these have nice wide overlapping leaves, the surface of which is coated in a fine layer of oily-goo; gnats are about all they can catch though... nice flowers too... easy grow... sundews can take much bigger things, and in mass, they can hold onto strong bugs like locusts, etc.,... the leaf can slowly wrap around the prey as well (forgot to mention that earlier)... becomes a macbre graveyard of grotesque corpses eventually! :X's Evil Laugh x: fun fun!
:Stones slap:Had to start a new Red Poison seed yesterday; the first emerged, but failed to elongate after 2 days...never made it more than 1/4 " above the soil level... weird, but...:shrug: -thankfully I've got back-ups! This strain is just too cool to miss! :peace:
:cuss: *shitf*ckpiss!!!*:cuss:
:X's Evil Laugh x: It's rabbit killin' time! ... #!!*&%!$ vermin asshole rodent fleabag :finger:.... ate my Green Poison seedling! And a truly good one at that!! :face:
Like I any time to spare with this non-auto version to begin with....*sigh*... well, at least I have a couple spare seeds...

fox urine will trigger them to avoid the area any sporting goods store should have it or test your dead fall building ability :D
yeah I just got to the Sundews In the Savage garden ..
For only a week of having a small on the thing is full of fruit flies or gnats ..
I had alot of them from a bag of potatoes went sour
And alot or on there .

The sundeqs for sure would be the tickets...
I was thinking the same for da Gnats in my grows as well ..

There's some said to even eat small monkies ..
Can u imagine a plant eating a monkey or a person as was described...

Little shop of horrors ...
DAM you got shit boomin lol Just got my SS seeds too..going into pots today..You have so much nutes and stuff going on lol all you really need is the grow more stuff..and a cal mag...You see my tall ass ladies lol 3 things i used only GM veg GM bloom and Hawaiian bud and some only uses the bud for flower with great results..you are using big pots and running out of sun so im sure they will react to that internally...I want you to pop lots of seeds so u are forced to go indoors with LEDS! lol
Ouch but he's right mm.get them sweets indoor ...they to sweet for nature lol ...
Lol nn
Doobage} :High 5: -on the arrival of your sweet seeds, and stepping up your game! LOL! now I know why you're having to expand on 'home improvements'! I know there seems to be lots of nute's, but they aren't necessarily getting them all the time; in fact some, like the Grow Power stuff, I only use occasionally, mostly for the humic acid content,...I'm not even really using the FF tiger bloom, instead I'm trying the Sea Grow stuff recommended by the Musturd's; the soil is Roots Org. outside, HF in center, both are pretty mild, even so my fert' conc. are still only about 1/4-1/2 strength... I'm pouring lots of 'crobe-brew in there too... as for indoor, I would have gone that route if discretion allowed,..ironically, outdoors is more stealthy!

Guys, I'm cavin' in to growing a few more!:coffee break: I germ'ed another S.Special and RP, along with the replacement GP, and 1 more HR Ghd/C99 (yes, I have a combo thread of sorts, the other emphasizing HR naturally, in New grower section though)... AND to help accelerate things I went and scored a T8 shop light just for some extended light hours,... this I can "hide', as it's small and KISS as it gets! I'll post a pic of it later.... :stylez rasta smoke: Now, time for coffee!!
LOL that 1 light for indoor..my plan is working perfectly:X's Evil Laugh x:Im 100% sure you could figure out how to make a stash room/panic room for your ladies..what the hell you gona do when summers over ? watch us all winter and grow small cups? LOL that wont do at all...lol So just get in the attic crawl space or something already! Buy a wardrobe something lol