Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

:stylez rasta smoke: Stickbro'}- I had a quick peek over at your place to check out the pics from your new toy!... :Coolio:
Yea,I guess I will try a couple of Autos OD next year
<-- Well, with full indoor set-up, I imagine it would just for shits and giggles...maybe with the auto MoB/C99a? Or A Red Poison!..:brow:.....this girl was fast for several of us; as you see, mine were done in 2 months! She'll out of your hair early with some excellent smoke while you run prime-time with the photos!
:Stones slap:Damn! you're getting that cool already? Good idea to pipe some heat in the HoopY to help speed those loafing Diva's along!.... hopefully though, you won't have to...$$$ LOL!! I hope you posted some more pics of all the fat chicks you have stuffed in there! If I can't have one, I certainly can ogle my buddy's!! LOL!
You know, I don't remember now.
<-- OH, you're killin' me! It was that good, huh? :smoke: Well, what was she like?? LOL!...nice yield off them,... I'll go by your place for more a bit later!..........(forgot about the PM! -just lost track of things there-LOL!) *** No doubt, I wish I could do indoors too! This last grow is much more rewarding than before, and it seems like I'm just getting my grow-legs well planted under me... Alas, no more for now, but at the first chance, I'm all over it!... :wiz: See you at your place! Thanks Stickfriend!
:Stones slap: :No: ..looks like I wiffed some back-posts! :bow: Woops..sorry! :smoke:

Another round of excellent photos. I believe you read the manual. Something, I ought to do.
<-- Thanks Alan,... -LOL!! What irony!... the manual on this camera is so vague, poorly written and organized, it's about one step above camp-TP! Fortunately, the auto settings cover my true lack of skills pretty well,...Come to think of it, it's getting a bit outdated already...*** Thanks for the kind words, my friend! RP is a excellent performer, very fast, compact, gorgeous, and frosty as,.. well, you see the pics! If you have a smaller niche to fill, and want something in-and-out quickly, she's your girl! Swampy has had an early test of his, and the smoke is damn good! :smokeit: I'll know for myself by next week! :D:
WOW Waira! Stunning buds bro! They look like Catalog shots man! :drool: Way to kick this grow in the ass man! Love the Minion! He'd probably eat Sister D... :crying: I hit ya with Max Rep for those frosty beauties!!
...*****....awesome bro! chop eyes must be pulling double duty.. harvest time here too! they look delicious bro! like a purple green poison lol great job! enjoy!​
<--- Hey Rvrnd! Good to see you here! Many thanks, brudda....:D: I appreciate your help on things, and hangin' with me like Doobie and Swampy from the very get-go! If I ever get a chance to do indoors, you know who's pews I'll be in,...:wiz: LOL!! *** Yeah, you certainly have your hands full these days!!... been behind at your house's, so I hope there's fresh porn to gawp at! :tiphat:

Gouch} Ahoy, mate! -thanks for stopping in... it should be a short pleasant cruise to the docks from here,.... but you'll see the girls at their best at least!

Doobie!.. Swat first, ask questions later,....:roflcry: ...honest, bro', I'm trying to catch up with your new threads too! I'll catch ya there(s)... thanks bro'!... :piggy Hug:

Sniper} SwSp is putting out aromatics as heavenly as the MoB's! Lately, a bubblegum-candy nuance has developed, which I dearly hope holds through to the cure,... Dewd! -no lie about the GP! Right now, I can honestly say the buds are forming faster than even the MoB's did, which is really saying something! I'll post pics tomorrow, just to show how this chick is hiking up her skirt and hustling double-time to the finish! I see frost already forming very well, a most encouraging sign,.... I have to go see brother Kudos GP (same version, F1 fast) for glance into the near future,... :wiz:... and catch up at you place! I hope you didn't spill any news about B-Bad, I haven't seen the last episode yet! LMAO!

Hey hey, brother Jay'!!
Hop digity
hummm, dat is a wonderful fruit, ma friend!
Hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to tell us about the smoke, once you have it dried and cured.

This thread is ahn fi-yo!! :piggy Hug:
:roflcry: :slap: -just for learning Swampanese!! I have to re-post this at the other thread too; the rest of the gang will love it! Of course, I'll post up an official reports on all, after proper field testing, naturally,...!! :brow: Thank you Sweets!
Swampanese!!! Hahahahaha!!! Rofl lmfao! Lol!

I love it!!! :d
man that special sounds like its living up to its name
*---<<<quick & dirty update on Green Poison>>>---*

:wiz:....This one has put my worries to bed! She's building bud as fast as the MoB's did, maybe faster,... I get her every minute of Sun I can, and feed twice a week: poop-tea, SG Bloom, little bit Ca-Mg, honey,... the roots have already packed the pot tight!... I'll keep her out of the worst of the cool for now though (been getting down in the upper 40's F)... Thank You Sweet seeds for such speedy girls!! :coffee break: .....GP F1 Fast late season test is full on now, JayPP and Tommy!! I hope that 5-6 weeks will see her done well enough,....

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man she's getting thick quick waira

did you watch the breaking bad final episode yet?
Looking good waira, she will be as fat as a baseball bat in no time! I have paged through your posts and you got a green thumb or two.
She is one tall green vixen, im glad i stumbled in here.
I love it when a grower posts tons of pics. I have the attention span of a cocker spaniel but a pretty pic keeps it for a moment.:smokebuds:
The health is living in your home Waira and dat is great!
Hope she can finish on time with a big and nice cola ;)
i will be here to check it out.