Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

No, Romeo--it is catch and release. Unless, attacked.


Another round of excellent photos. I believe you read the manual. Something, I ought to do. :gthumb:
LOL I say if you are in my house rent free then you die LOL..dont wait for an attack..could be a brown recluse :no:
Bromeo- :roflcry: Thanks...?? At least you remembered to come by...was that before or after wiping the schmootz off of the floppy? -LOL! ...score 1, for Bromeo,... of course, you know,...his means spider-pic war!! :X's Evil Laugh x:...in fact at this time of year, I think I have just the subject to subject you to!!... I just have to find one,.. maybe at my friends place, deeper in the valley.... :firedevil: :thumbs: AH!! even better!... Alan, will likely have something very special, but he too must find 'one',...LMAO!! That should provide little challenge,... :brow: *** Thank you guys, much obliged! :smoke:
cant wait to here how the sweet special smokes they are all looking crusty and gp is finally kicking into gear :thumbs:

:dance2::dance2::woohoo: :booya::booya:​

...Both Red Poisons taken and on the rack! ...looked at about 10-15% amber, just right for me,..! :smoke: 2 months almost to the day,.... they were a breeze to process,..it was like trimming a small bush, mostly just snipping away the sugar leaves! ...very dense, way frosty- I can't wait to try!!...

..(...I'm starvin', time for lunch!)

001.jpg002.jpg<-- little purple Christmas trees! (older RP)
004.jpg007.jpg<-- (younger)
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awesome bro! chop eyes must be pulling double duty.. harvest time here too! they look delicious bro! like a purple green poison lol great job! enjoy! :D
Impressive poison. Smoke reports going to be interesting.
Hop digity
hummm, dat is a wonderful fruit, ma friend!
Hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to tell us about the smoke, once you have it dried and cured.

This thread is ahn fi-yo!! :piggy Hug: