Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

Wowser !:drool:
That is divine sweetness you have going there my friend.Finally found some time to swing by and check out the ladies. :ladies:

Wow, backwards and frontwards. What a difference from your first Auto grow this season. :slap:

I really want to try some O that CC, as well as other Sweet Seed genetics. They are next on my list, well after I grow out what I have now.:thumbs:

I finally ordered a new camera a few days ago, so should be here any day. I will take some bud porn pics of the OD ladies before I chop them next week or so. Hopefully the weather will hold a little longer than that. The frost cometh, both on the buds and in the weather.:D:

I will also take some pics of the Autos that I have growing indoors.
Like yours, completely different story from our first Auto grow. A couple of them are 35" tall, and just covered in flower sweetness (lots of early color). I will probably just put those in an album, as I'm not able to spend much time on here right now.
Just smoked a bowl of the Pat Meds. I took down last week. Just got dried and put into jars. Some good meds to be sure :Cool: Even after just being dried, the smoke tasted just fine. Should be real nice after a good long cure. Can't wait to try the 3 finger FBG pheno. Man, she smells just plain DANK, and has really filled out in the last couple of weeks.

I wish I could smell your girls, they just look incredible. They certainly do better with more hours of light than just the sun provides, don't they?

Last week, we had some hot weather, and the aromatics in the hoop house were absolutely incredible, even for someone like me with a fairly burnt out sense of smell.

Anyway, great grow my friend.:bow:
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Beautiful garden Waira :Holy Moly: frosty and colorful oh my :drool:

WOW Waira! Stunning buds bro! They look like Catalog shots man! :drool: Way to kick this grow in the ass man! Love the Minion! He'd probably eat Sister D... :crying: I hit ya with Max Rep for those frosty beauties!! :beast:
:piggy Hug: Stickbro', how are you man! LOL! Many thanks, my friend... Yes indeed, the difference is very satisfying, if not from a yield standpoint, certainly from a bud build (leaf:calyx ratio),...that humble little shop light made a serious difference across the board! Sweet Seeds has an all-star line-up, including several fast-photo types, and would be great at you place,... (I'll PM you about something concerning this)... I'm dying to try these new girls, and they're finally showing signs of finishing up!... I've now tried both the CC and CM, and both are very potent, covered in trich's, even if they're kinda airy in build... *** :woohoo: New camera!!= Improved Stick-Farms porn!! I can't wait to see it...:brow: LOL!-all of it! I'm very happy to hear the indoor auto's are rockin' hard, at 3'+!! (lost track, what's inside now, Dragon crosses right?)...Besides, you deserve a nice new toy, and you'll have plenty of subjects to hone your skills on! The ease and quality of the pics from the new digital cameras is phenomenal, instant pro... *** Oh oh! -don't get me started on the insane buffet about to be laid out on your table! LMAO!! You're killin' me as it is!.... which PM did you try, the Green Pyramid Bud, or the bent-beauty? :drool: ...3-Fingered Phanny seems to be one that's standing out to you, and that's saying something!...LOL! here we are again, wishing for smell-o-vision, to enjoy each others ladies!! The Sweet girls are fantastically aromatic! RP is still holding onto that mild spicy, sweet dark fruity/ mild earthy blend, and the SwSp is candy/floral/sweet, but is still changing as she cooks, so we'll see what we get by harvest....Couple weeks or so, I think.... Man! I can only imagine what the HoopY must be like on nice warm afternoon! **** No doubt, Fall is half-way through the door now! I've had temps go down to upper 40's for several nights over the last couple weeks,... warm sunny days, clear nights,... and a weird spot of subtropical light rain for a day or so, spin-up from the south... thank god for HR mold resistance! *** Time to get on with my day too, mate.... thanks for the kind words! We've made some progress this year, huh! You especially,...:High 5: I'll be in touch about a couple things.... Catch ya later Stickfriend!! :smoke:
Yes indeed, the difference is very satisfying, if not from a yield standpoint, certainly from a bud build (leaf:calyx ratio),...that humble little shop light made a serious difference across the board!
Yea,I guess I will try a couple of Autos OD next year. I have a big shop light that I use for my veggie starts, that will be perfect timing to do some supplemental lighting with. I will wait until June to put them out though.

Fall is half-way through the door now!
Yea,here the weather just seemed liked it turned from summer to fall overnight. Low 60s during the day and mid to low 40s at night. The weather is supposed to warm back up towards the end of the week. That would be nice. The girls could use two more weeks, but they are really starting to fill out and turn color, except for the PK x MD that is in the 30 gallon container. She is HUGE almost touching the top of the hoopy. She will be worth it, if I have to put some supplemental heating in the hoopy, even just for her. I'm just guessing again here, but I'm sure I will get well over half a pound off of her.

which PM did you try, the Green Pyramid Bud, or the bent-beauty?
You know, I don't remember now. I have all the jars in one place, and just opened a jar and grabbed some. I do believe it was from Green Pyramid Bud.
It looks like I got three oz. from her, and over four from the bent-beauty. Plus a massive amount of nice trim for hash. Just ordered some bags yesterday, along with ever more gear for my grow cabs indoors.
We've made some progress this year, huh!
Yes we have my friend, but I still feel like there is so very much to learn about growing this plant. What a great hobby, with great rewards! Just wait until next year right. That's too bad that you are not able to grow indoors.

Ok, my friend that is all the typing my body will allow me to do right now.

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:smoke:....At least I think, I hope..! Fan leaves are getting tapped, pistils shutting down, bud fattening slowing markedly, trich's are all cloudy with a little amber showing now in the RP's... no surprise they will finish first! Last round of nute's was over a week ago, sweet water 4 days ago, and since then only clear water; now, it's time to put a little dry on the roots for most,... also, supp' lighting stopped, and all are spending some chilly-time in the garage at night, so the drop in light and temps should give them a good final push to be done!:wiz: .... I hope that in at most 2 weeks all will be finished, several will done before that! A nerve-wracking time, for security issues, so extra safety steps currently employed! :karma Cloud:

012.jpg014.jpg<--RP (7wk)- not too far behind the older RP...
020.jpg022.jpg<--RP (8Wk)- buds are done building, trich's looking close, so some dry-time over the next few days, then likely chopped!

016.jpg017.jpg<--SwSp(7wk)- they may look similar, but this younger one has a slightly different aroma; frost is heavy!...she still has 10-14 days, we'll see...
025.jpg<--SwSp -(9wk) finally starting to eat leaves, pistils drying, buds still filling in a bit more; another week?...

008.jpg009.jpg<--OGO- (7wk) probably another 10 days or so,...

026.jpg<--GP- Yes! buds building quickly, so she's really trying here...
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So Juliet and I are sitting here watching TV and along came a spider and sat down beside her.....seriously EEEK. I had to play the brave guy and high five:five: that 8 legged freak with a flip-flop. Then I'm thinking spiders...spiders....hmmmm oh time to go check wairas grows. :smokebuds:

Sweet color bro. I'm fkn jealous. :Stones slap:
No, Romeo--it is catch and release. Unless, attacked.


Another round of excellent photos. I believe you read the manual. Something, I ought to do. :gthumb:
Alan it was just a :five:.