Nutrients Waira Talks to the Doc with Rx Blend....

:smoking: @Ribbzzy -- thanks mate! ..... Prime time has begun :woohoo1:... overall there's some skunky smells coming from the tent vent, but no one stands out just yet... HBHz stem rub is very promising with a sweet floral/citrus mixed in with the typical herbal/spicy veg' smell, can't say there's bubblegum so far but here's hoping! :goodluck:
I need to do some under-skirt clean up today, it's a scrum in that tent now and lower bits are getting light shorted... Not a full Brazilian job but scruff-free at least -:kiss::rofl:
~<<< Week 5+ Update >>>~

:smokeout: All's well enough, some more than others though... One very irritating thing happening is how Livers and Orange Bud are fan snacking pretty hard already,... OB I think is just a heavier feeder, she has no tip toasting like Livers does... Livers is pissing me off, she's bitchy about feed strength, getting fed right on the edge and yet is now eating her fans quickly, and has purple striping along the main stem (an underfeeding symptom usually, but not always) - :doh:... pH remains in upper 6's... Creepers and HubbaBubbaHaze are just fine - :shrug:...Still feeding at about half strength or so, TDS reading is in the 500's (500ppm =1.0EC scale), just skating the edge of tip burn...

Creeper swap is going just fine, the bigger one now the full time outside Sun bather and loving it! Both are stretching and blooming has started, so we'll see what sort of bloom speed they have. I'm hoping they will be done by 10 weeks, given their size and aren't really stacking nodes like some others have...

>>> Creepers 1 & 2

>>> HBHz

>>> Livers bx

>>> Orange Bud

>>> photo's almost ready for out planting! :woohoo: ....pots were made up today, so Sunday I think will be the day...
...because when I feed her more strongly, the tips burned,... tested that out a few times... This is my frustration with her, and OB as well,... I can't find the sweet spot! Feed ppm going in is in 500 range (500 = 1.0EC scale)
I got pissed today seeing them worsen, and did a test flush to see if somehow it was overloaded in there... Soak, sit then flush with RO water, collected first cup or so of run-off, and it was only 742! :doh: fuck me if I can say why this is happening....
To review, all but OB and to a lesser extent, HBHz got mild tip burn at half strength,... Creepers show none of this fan fade; for sure it's happening during early bloom. I started Big Data after first little fuzzy crowns showed....
:doh: fuck me if I can say why this is happening....

My entire growing career summed up lol.

Do you think you could get away with some careful foliar feeding to improve the situation?
My entire growing career summed up lol.

Do you think you could get away with some careful foliar feeding to improve the situation?
:rofl: It happens for me too on some, others pass that stage with no troubles = :shrug:
I have given them BioSi + Kelpful foliars 2x/week, then more recently, actual feed soln. diluted down properly,... that has been for nowt apparently, still getting the fast fade....
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:rofl: It happens for me too on some, others pass that stage with not troubles = :shrug:
I have given them BioSi + Kelpful foliars 2x/week, then more recently, actual feed soln. diluted down properly,... that has been for nowt apparently, still getting the fast fade....

What a finicky lady - cannabislizying nitrogen?

I hoped you signed a prenup lol