Orchids are an addiction, be warned! Especially species types, if you have the fortune to see they at shows and specialty places where you can really inspect them... hard to do from online pics! Then you have to know your conditions and match that with viable candidates,... Some are very tolerant, others not in the least,... don't let the flower lust do all the talking!

There were sooo many things I loved by would need a green/hothouse for,... but plenty of other insane, fascinating WTF looking flowers from various genera to satisfy!
.... I have a cool little Bulbophylum guttulatum blooming now in fact... note this Genera, it's
massive in species count, and loaded with amazing cool freaky flowers that are pretty easy to grow. Many stink to high f*ck too, so keep that in mind! Road kill, poop, rancid WTF, porn theater (yup

),....It's flies they want, not nice bees-

We had hanging rows with dozens of them going off at once, I mean headache inducing, cannot work in that greenhouse bad! But the flowers were stunning... Some of the night bloomers were also amazing to smell, a rare treat...
I post pics shortly,... Oh, the GH's temp regimes, what you'd expect: cool, intermediate and hot. Each had several microclimates in them, lots of hanging racks and walls too, I bet 33% of the stock could not grow in pots. I'll post a shot on one type that's like this...