Live Stoner Chat Virginia is for Growers

Lol not sure why you're trying to pick. What exactly is the point you're trying to make? If you think you can compete with a corporate grow op by all means go ahead and try.

The question was posed of how to avoid being pushed out by such operations. I, a person with degrees in Business Management and Marketing and a decade of relevant professional experience in both domestic and international business, offered an option regarding how to appeal to the now largest subset of consumers, as a member of that subset.

Not sure if you're taking issue with what I'm saying due to my age or gender or what, or if its just because you live in an area where you don't have a ton of options as a consumer. I will say, when we, consumers under 40, are given an option between buying from a corporation or from a small business, most will chose the small business. Especially if that business is as convenient to shop with and is reasonably priced relative (higher quality, small batch products are obviously expected to be somewhat more expensive than mass production) to said corporation.

If there is no other option available, of course the only choice would be to take what is available to you.
I can get anything I want delivered to my house. I’m not picking at you. I’m not being mean or disrespectful Just pointing out that big Corp is stronger and bigger then ever. I my not have a business degree. But I have a business that allowed me to drop 5 gs on a grow room. Their is a couple micro breweries around and a shit load of micro distilleries. I buy local when I can but big Corp ran small business out. I have to buy from big Corp.
I buy local when I can but big Corp ran small business out. I have to buy from big Corp.
This ^ is what I'm talking about. There are huge differences in commerce and availability in your area vs here. Sure, we still have chains and such, but we have tons of locally owned options as well. I can't even tell you the last time I ate in/got takeout from a chain restaurant. I can get any style of food I want from a local business and put money into the hands of my neighbors, keeping that money in my local economy, instead of having it go to bonuses for faceless C suite executives that will only vanish into a pile of cash that they couldn't exhaust in their lifetime. Competing with big business isn't and shouldn't be the goal.

Are you saying that it isn't a worthwhile venture because the big players are going to make more? If that's the case what's the point of small businesses at all?

The point is, there are many different kinds of consumers. They value different things. There is absolutely a generational factor into the purchasing habits of consumers. Geographical as well. The fact of the matter is that the trends are showing that businesses who's products are ethically sourced, low impact (e.g. not having to be trucked across the country or imported), and sustainable, are on the rise. Different people value different things. Cost shoppers are going to gravitate to mass production because that is where you get the most bang for your buck. Conscientious shoppers are more likely to look at the big picture and behave differently based on their own individual values. And again, the geographic aspect definitely plays in, since the options in those situations are far more limited.