Indoor Vicks Purple Lights 18 gal DWC and Hempy | LEDs

Absolutely notttt. Total bombshell and I love my redheads. :drool:

love my petite redheads, drive me wild, regrettably divorcing one who turned into one crazy bitch has slightly turned me off but i still cant help but be drawn to them beautiful natural redheads
Stay away from those crazies. No regrets, haha. It's not worth the extra drama to your life. I mean.. Unless she were a total sugar mama. Like this one here.... :x

Day 64, week 9

Getting into week 9 and the girls are still nowhere near ready... and now I've got some rusty looking spots popping up on some upper leaves (see picture). Light burn maybe? PH @ 5.5-6.2, PPM 960

Buds are looking sugary though. Colors went from pink to purple.

Chop at 11 weeks maybe?
Well friend as much as you would like to chop at 11 it may take longer, there is still alot of white hairs/ new growth happening. if you want more potency and bigger buds id let it go longer, and as for the spots it looks like what i had on my Auto Pounder, shes just really hungry and needs some P and K.. i under anticipated this and alot of damage was done to my fans but yours still can be prevented from further damage, what you have now will not heal but you can stop the spread! Green karma your way and much luck with the rest of your grow :)
Thanks digi! I added some calmag to the mix! Hopefully that works. More than 11 weeks? :| Damn talk about a slow auto breed... lol. It's cool though, I'm patient. It's just a tease to open up that tent door every day.. ..several times a day. :bone:
true dat! i walk in my "office" and check out my shit all the time! like 10 or more sometimes i just sit in there and smoke a bowl and blow smoke over the little ones! lol and play some tunes for them! what can i say?
Lol I feel that. The girls love the attention. (ha what girls don't) :crack:
Lol I feel that. The girls love the attention. (ha what girls don't) :crack:

NO SHIT RIGHT? my wife gets on to me about checking on them so much! lol she says what are you doing in there? lol i say im getting love from the only women in the house that love me! lmao she laughs!
Sup just chillin in my grow room :drool: :bone::boob::lick: fapfapfapfap