Indoor Vicks Purple Lights 18 gal DWC and Hempy | LEDs


Look of calcium deficiency

Require expert assessment
Yeah. Added some calmag+ half strength. I'll update again in a few days.
lookin good mate .. cal/mg def is a bitch. . . bit of advice i got from some top boys was to keep PH above 5.8 in bloom (5.8-6.0 if poss) ...5.7-5.8 in veg:smokebuds::peace:
lookin good mate .. cal/mg def is a bitch. . . bit of advice i got from some top boys was to keep PH above 5.8 in bloom (5.8-6.0 if poss) ...5.7-5.8 in veg:smokebuds::peace:

Below (I meant above*, i was stoned lol) 5.8? Really... Someone in the 'infirmary' told me cal gets locked up above 5.8. hmmmm time to do some research lol. These spots are annoying me..
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My friend, that was me who told you it gets locked out above 5.8 - it does get locked out above 5.8. The complete lock out doesn't occur until 6.1, but only trace amounts are absorbed above 5.8.

I stand by what I said in that it's locked out above 5.8, ideally your best pH is 5.8.

View attachment 172871phchart.jpg

EDIT: Also, those spots will never go away. All you can do is prevent future spots from occurring.
I was just looking at your chart and realized that about 5.8 just now as you posted this.. hahaha :buds: Gotta flush today so I'll do the lucas formula till I'm at 900ppm, add hydroplex, cal mag+ half strength and some molasses. How does that sound?
I Wasn't saying you should go 5.8 or above to solve the cal issue ... just that its a better range for bloom . :smoke:
Lol it's cool I just confused myself. Been hitting the vapor bags for the past hour. You were right. :smokebuds:
late to the party as always but, i just wanted to say your tub design is very resourceful and simple. subbed