View media item 9825Im going to try to start this journal off with a little more info and document every little detail properly..
Grpw Space:
So first the room itself i framed in and insulated,with Mylar sheeting. Its actually a crawl space that i have converted into a low profile grow room and before only used it for cloning.
so the room itself is about 4' x 3' and about 4.5' height.
so the challenge becomes the height but i think it can be done..
View media item 9369
400watt MH/HPS
LED light bar actinic blue/white 50-50
Promix BX 70%
worm castings 30%
perlite a couple handfulls.
GreenPlanet Duel Fuel.
View media item 9545
Exhaust: 1x 4" inline fan
intake: 1x 3" inline fan (intake directly from outside)
ventilation is set up on a temperature sensor kicks on at a certain temp. i think i have it set to 77 degrees, and the room usually reads about 79 to 80 degrees.
4" carbon filter i think its abour 20" in length.
soil moisture tester (probe), digital soil pH tester (probe), thermometer/hygrometer (digital), various timers, air pump and stone for water bucket.
So here we go ive had 4 seeds soaking in water for almost 24 hours now i will put them in there final resting pots, 11 litre plastic pots with the soil pre soaked and plastic wrap over the pots to keep humidity up until they pop.. Strains are as follows
2x PolarLight [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]
1x AutoBlueberry
1x AutoMazar
View media item 9825