I didn't defoliate Cara until she was already blooming and she had a pretty thick canopy. When I opened it, the branches under the canopy had yellowing, burnt looking leaves and non-developed buds. It was a shock because the outside looked fantastic. I started defoliating and adding side lights pointing inside, now it looks good all around.


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I had exactly the same problem and wish I'd known about defoliation sooner. I trimmed a lot away and didn't see any adverse effects
no not the actual buds them selves, but them leaves i told you to leave on that dont extend from the bud, them ones are the ones that power your buds..... the sugar leaves....
I also trimmed little buds that were never getting any light. I read it helps the buds that are developing, but I'm not sure yet if this is true... time will tell
Oh, and this is a photo from about a month after I started defoliating her. And with the side lights shining through.


This was shortly after starting defoliation.


Before defoliation


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