Outdoor Vas’ Audacious Auto Attempt, Organic, 40 autos ,5 strains !!!

While I go prefer to be as organic as possible (I have an allotment for fruit n veg) I have to confess I create a kill zone around my plants with slugbait/pellets (there are plenty that are relatively friendly to other wildlife). Once plants are well up out of the ground I don't find them much of a problem and there's no need for slugbait and the stems are strong enough for copper wiring.

I guess it's a question of what scale of losses you can tolerate - I guess if you have lots of plants then a few that don't make it are acceptable. But, if like me, you can only grow a few then it makes it all the more important to make sure they don't get eaten in the first place.
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Slug pellets being friendly to "other"wildlife.......I can vouch for that..........in the spring I spent a couple of hours carefully distributing slug pellet all over the garden and especially the perimeter........2-3 days later all the ducks in the neighborhood was congregating in the garden, even laying eggs, much to my "what the heck is going on"...........well, what was going on was that the ducks was eating the blooming slug pellets.........they were having a pellet fest, chasing them out of strawberry patches worked for like 10 seconds and they were back.........of course having vacuumed the premises for pellets over a couple of days they left for the lake some 100 m away with an occasional empty handed inspection visit and showing no signs of a hangover from the pellet festing.......and left the door wide open to the slime invasion.....and me out of pocket of pellets........so much for another failed currency!

Copper tape......yeah, all the way!
Slug pellets being friendly to "other"wildlife.......I can vouch for that..........in the spring I spent a couple of hours carefully distributing slug pellet all over the garden and especially the perimeter........2-3 days later all the ducks in the neighborhood was congregating in the garden, even laying eggs, much to my "what the heck is going on"...........well, what was going on was that the ducks was eating the blooming slug pellets.........they were having a pellet fest, chasing them out of strawberry patches worked for like 10 seconds and they were back.........of course having vacuumed the premises for pellets over a couple of days they left for the lake some 100 m away with an occasional empty handed inspection visit and showing no signs of a hangover from the pellet festing.......and left the door wide open to the slime invasion.....and me out of pocket of pellets........so much for another failed currency!

Copper tape......yeah, all the way!

Maybe the ducks were Iron deficient
Yes I'm sold on the copper :pass:
Sucks about the slug damage, we invest so much in genetics that each bean is hoped to be an oz or more but there is always something cutting back the harvest. Fingers crossed for some easy sailing for Vas' summer of plenty. Telephone wire might be another source of copper wire, easy to strip but I don't know if it is thick enough to be effective.
The slug war is pretty much over. There is a small rebel force still operating after the genocide but the defences are holding strong, just one casualty of a photo seedling because it's copper collar was mysteriously found on the ground next to it's pot.

So now the attrition is over and resows have taken place the line up is now;

6 x Buddha Magnums, 6 x Big Devil Auto XL, 3 x Hubbabubbasmelloscopes, 6 x Auto Bud Cannons, 2 x Super Cali Haze, 4 x Tha Shiznits, 3 x Russian Rocket Fuels, 6 x Auto Purple Amnesia There is also Shortstuff Auto Fem mix and Mi5 strains..I fkd up when sowing them and not sure whats what between that lot till they grow..LOL... I read "MI5" as "MIX"...looking back at the packs....

This Super Cali Haze is the only seedling to survive a direct slug attack and live. Last week I had written her off, so badly munched and looking sick, but she hung in there and is a little fighter and is growing. I have named her "Lucky"... I hold high hopes for her lol. You can see her munched 1st true leaf on the left...

Here are the siamese twin Big Devils. One of the sisters is bolting on her sibling now...

Ok now grow my pretties :baked:
There is something seriously wrong with the bagged soil I bought. The first 19 pots which were my home made mix, the plants are doing fine, I'll dare say good. The other 21 pots I used the bought soil... they are all fkd, everyone of them, failed to thrive. I got 2-3 week olds looking like 4 day old showing N def.

I am suspecting some toxin. It smells a bit strange. Just can’t get life into it, worms & bugs don’t seem it like it. Should have known better. Never again.

So was going to attempt a transplant on 4 of the seedlings which are only about 7-9 days old, the others I am writing off, they are too small & too old to bother with, but now I’m thinking with the transplant and their age, it’s a waste of time.

So, stiff shit, on with the show...

and then there was 19...no, make that 18 one of the beans didn’t germ or got slug eaten (most likely),

OK glass is half full...got some nice healthy girls in healthy living soil here... these ones are about day 19-23....

Big Devil XL..
Dev wk3.JPG



Buddha Magnum....
Mag, wk3.JPG

Super Cali Haze, about day 19 was a slow germ & slow grow first week or two but they're just starting to take off now
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What a nice playground you have, and the crusade against the slimy brigade has been all but won..... Time for a cold one

Say, is that you Mr. Peterman?
Thank you Mr PP, yes the copper defence & genocide was a resounding success and any survivors are now facing adverse warm & dry weather. A win / win for the young girls (and me) !
The eldest are around four weeks old today (+/- couple of days ) so things start getting interesting from now.. had great weather last 4 days and more expected...
Picture 14.png

The Big Devil Autos are the tall ones, about 35cm...

The Big Devil twins are not so conjoined anymore, I have spun their pot and trained the taller sister away from her smaller sibling, who is now responding to the extra light....

The Hubbabubbas are looking great, they really stretch their side branches early, 29cm...

The Magnums are healthy & solid, 25cm....

The Super Cali's are starting to wind up, they have caught up after their slow start and are loving this warm weather 26cm...

Peace out