Outdoor Vas’ Audacious Auto Attempt, Organic, 40 autos ,5 strains !!!

Hey hecno, cheers brother, the coconut water contains plant growth hormones (as all seeds contain), great for seedlings apparently. The popcorn sprout tea I am making will also contain the same, alot cheaper cost. I only bought 2L cause I got it cheap on special.
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Siamese twin seedling ?? .....
Picture 9.png

OK, there will be a seedling photo because something weird has happened lmfao. This is a Big Devil auto XL seedling, one seed, two seedlings sprouted lol, both baby leaves where sharing the husk. I wonder if this will be a mutant or twin Big Devils ?
Bad day on the farm:nono: fkn slugs have decapitated 8 of the auto seedlings and two of my incredible bulk photo seedlings. I haven't seen a fkn slug on this property in two years, a little rain overnight and this morning I catch one of the fuckers eating a seedling, leaf in mouth when i picked it up. Killed a couple of others and no more to be seen. They seem to have a taste for HBSC as they ate 4 of those, 2 shortstuff mix fem, a magnum and a big devil xl. I only have 3 HBSC left, I am gutted. Everything had sprouted except for 4/6 Super Cali haze (two of which don't look healthy), don't know whats going on there and one of the fem mix. The eaten ones have been replaced by Auto Purple Amnesia and Auto Bud Cannon (SHortstuff), sown today. Then I drove 50 km to nearest big town and went to 2 hardware stores, 2 garden stores and 3 rural supply stores, could not get copper tape. I have sprinkled some Iron EDTA complex pellets around them for now. filthy slimebags they are lol
Damn man! That's terrible... So sorry to hear the slugs have no respect for how much effort those seeds took you to get!

Sounds like you need a :karmacloud: top up... Hope you manage to get them under control soon... I once heard good stories about using a beer trap to catch slugs round the garden too, there's tonnes of instructions out there, but this was one of the first results when I checked for you: http://www.slugoff.co.uk/killing-slugs/beer-trap

(There is a recipe for a non-beer version towards the bottom if the thought of wasting beer on shitty slugs doesn't appeal to you!)

Take care, and don't let the fuckers get you down!
Beer traps...... Yes, they work brilliantly, I have 4 of them, however...... they need to be emptied and cleaned of the gooie glue-like stinking mess every 2-3 days....... Plus quite a few pints is ordered by the slugs/snails...... Cheaper to use dry yeast(it is the yeast/fermentation fumes that attracts them)........ Needless to say, after a few weeks of messing about, my beer slug traps retired to become a purely visual deterrent...... And that definitely don't work...... But that's just me!
Damn man! That's terrible... So sorry to hear the slugs have no respect for how much effort those seeds took you to get!

Sounds like you need a :karmacloud: top up... Hope you manage to get them under control soon... I once heard good stories about using a beer trap to catch slugs round the garden too, there's tonnes of instructions out there, but this was one of the first results when I checked for you: http://www.slugoff.co.uk/killing-slugs/beer-trap

(There is a recipe for a non-beer version towards the bottom if the thought of wasting beer on shitty slugs doesn't appeal to you!)

Take care, and don't let the fuckers get you down!

Beer traps...... Yes, they work brilliantly, I have 4 of them, however...... they need to be emptied and cleaned of the gooie glue-like stinking mess every 2-3 days....... Plus quite a few pints is ordered by the slugs/snails...... Cheaper to use dry yeast(it is the yeast/fermentation fumes that attracts them)........ Needless to say, after a few weeks of messing about, my beer slug traps retired to become a purely visual deterrent...... And that definitely don't work...... But that's just me!

Thank you brothers...The little slimy fkers ate my weed, they aren't getting my beer too LOL. I have copper tape coming in the post tomorrow, plus the weather has dried out so no carnage today. The copper tape method was shown to be the most effective against snails & slugs in tests ran in the USA.
Vas defeats the slug invaders.... after building lines of defence around each seedling that would rival the walls of Constantinople a slimy all out war was waged on the surprise slug marauders, seeking out their hiding spots and squishing them to oblivion. So now the war is over, I have regrouped and replaced my poor beheaded troops and sown some SHortstuff Auto Purple Amnesia, AUto Bud Cannon, Tha SHiznit, Russian Rocket Fuel & some more shortstuff auto fem mix.

The Hubbabubbas got slaughtered 3 of 7 left, so too Big Gun Autos (SS), all 3 smashed, 2 of 5 Shortstuff auto fems. The Magnums & Big Devils did better, only 1/8 and 1/7 lost respectively. The slugs don't like those Spanish strains LOL. One Super Cali Haze got half eaten but is recovering from it's war wounds and is starting to grow, the others were still hiding underground during the blitz, two of them still haven't come out lol.

Here is the defence (thats a photo seedling but all auto seedlings have a copper collar)...
And you keep on bouncing back!

So glad you've repelled the gastropod invaders, and defeated the slug army! Right then, now that set back is behind us, let's see those babies thrive!!!
cheers bro, yes they will, time to thrive indeed. Got some genuine warm spring weather forecast for next week too. Looking forward to that explosive week 4-5 growth.