Indoor Vapo's Vivisection section.


:salute:Master of the Craft!:salute:
We Salute you!

View attachment 1639705
:salute:Master of the Craft!:salute:
We Salute you!

Thank you very much bro... :bighug: ....I am sorry I haven't replied on the other platform(yet, I might add hehe!)s**t has been hectic for a few days here, s'no excuse tho bro so I apologize :bong: have a bong on me bro.
Hello AFN.... hopefully my brother @arty zan might stick around a bit....bcoz these ladies are next.....

...I know I prolly said "Right, I'm doing this strain next, then that strain after and then this one again etc. etc....."......but I always do this we are!.....I am gonna do a mainline on the SSSC BLD and just let the AFP V6 grow her own way, I seem to remember her sisters not achieving huge proportions when we mainlined them beforehand......:smoker: back to my beautiful DP Blueberry...after many unfortunate mang-a-lings by me, this little beauty is in the stretching time and doing apologies in advance for any bad pics.....

...more soon AFN...:thanks:

Edit:....I know that my pics are already bad bcoz I dropped my phone and cracked the lens cover but I got a pic of the remaining DP Gluberry with the lights on and the CMH f**ks with it BIG TIME.....bit worried about this lady, she doesn't seem to have many trichomes? she has been on pH6 water for about 3 days now....she is on wk 12 now........hmmmm?

Edit:...I should mench that I put the DP Blueberry on the same feed schedule as the SB Jonestown, even tho she is 2 week younger(wk7) was just easier!!....
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Like you say yourself mate, hard to see with these pictures.. she should be quite potent though!

She seems a bit off nutrient wise, is that correct? Did you have some deficiencies or is it a burn (with yellow/brown tips)?
Auto Blueberry doing pretty fine, personally wouldn't expect this kind of stretch still. Luckily you topped her very early in their growth cycle..

Keep it up bro!:d5:
Hello AFN.... hopefully my brother @arty zan might stick around a bit....bcoz these ladies are next.....View attachment 1640791View attachment 1640793View attachment 1640794
...I know I prolly said "Right, I'm doing this strain next, then that strain after and then this one again etc. etc....."......but I always do this we are!.....I am gonna do a mainline on the SSSC BLD and just let the AFP V6 grow her own way, I seem to remember her sisters not achieving huge proportions when we mainlined them beforehand......:smoker: back to my beautiful DP Blueberry...after many unfortunate mang-a-lings by me, this little beauty is in the stretching time and doing apologies in advance for any bad pics.....View attachment 1640795
...more soon AFN...:thanks:

Edit:....I know that my pics are already bad bcoz I dropped my phone and cracked the lens cover but I got a pic of the remaining DP Gluberry with the lights on and the CMH f**ks with it BIG TIME.....bit worried about this lady, she doesn't seem to have many trichomes? she has been........hmmmm?View attachment 1640797

Vapo!!! :bighug: You'll like the S99V6 - it's a real treat and super speedy!! Whoooooosh

Like you say yourself mate, hard to see with these pictures.. she should be quite potent though!

She seems a bit off nutrient wise, is that correct? Did you have some deficiencies or is it a burn (with yellow/brown tips)?
Auto Blueberry doing pretty fine, personally wouldn't expect this kind of stretch still. Luckily you topped her very early in their growth cycle..

Keep it up bro!:d5:
I was editing earlier and got distracted dude haha, when I looked it just said "She has been..." was supposed to say "she has been on pH6 water for 3 days now!" ...the reason for the affected leaves is the withdrawal of nutes, happened dramatically fast with this lady too....that's Coco for you tho, I suppose haha....
Auto Blueberry doing pretty fine, personally wouldn't expect this kind of stretch still. Luckily you topped her very early in their growth cycle..
.....luck had nothing to do with it bro hahaha 🤣🤣😂...cut the fourth off, leave the third....every time dude, works like a charm😉
Vapo!!! :bighug: You'll like the S99V6 - it's a real treat and super speedy!! Whoooooosh

Bluuuue mate, glad you stopped by, I am potting them up tonight, hopefully they will be good, as these are me Xmas weed....I am not gonna mainline the S99V6 bcoz it's my last one and I think the rest of them were a wee bit small after I messed with I want to see her how she grows natchy!....had these two a while now but if they breach I will drop you a tag every now and then during the grow bro... :bighug:
Hello a bit of bad news and a bit of good news for you:muahaha:...... unfortunately the SSSC BLD did not make it......I thought she looked a bit dark after the soak, y'know?...I had a dig but I couldn't find it and it should have at least popped the shell by now!?!...anyways I just put a Sawney Bean Blue SOS in, in her place.....
IMG_20231028_113241685_HDR.jpg that should be up in a couple of days, no soak just straight in the coco with some myco in the hole, same as the others....the S99 v6 breached yesterday.....

@Sawney_bean my dude, any tips or foresight on the SB Blue SOS at all?
Thanks dude.
Hello a bit of bad news and a bit of good news for you:muahaha:...... unfortunately the SSSC BLD did not make it......I thought she looked a bit dark after the soak, y'know?...I had a dig but I couldn't find it and it should have at least popped the shell by now!?!...anyways I just put a Sawney Bean Blue SOS in, in her place.....View attachment 1641807View attachment 1641808 that should be up in a couple of days, no soak just straight in the coco with some myco in the hole, same as the others....the S99 v6 breached yesterday.....View attachment 1641811
@Sawney_bean my dude, any tips or foresight on the SB Blue SOS at all?
Thanks dude.
Shame the sssc didn't work out mate.
I hear good things about them . Next time I'm sure.
I used a male sos on a blueberry northern lights .
The male sos was the donor to the sos gen3.
The blue sos is a f1 special that will throw out a few phenotypes,
I'm looking for dark green indica traits with limited sativa . Short and dense are the desired phenotypes.
I predict a small bushy trainable plant.
I hope this helps
Shame the sssc didn't work out mate.
I hear good things about them . Next time I'm sure.
I used a male sos on a blueberry northern lights .
The male sos was the donor to the sos gen3.
The blue sos is a f1 special that will throw out a few phenotypes,
I'm looking for dark green indica traits with limited sativa . Short and dense are the desired phenotypes.
I predict a small bushy trainable plant.
I hope this helps
SSSC are really good SB, I got 5 BLD and I think that is the only no-show, so am chuffed for the others that did pop :jump: ....the info helps loooooooads dude, It means I can form a plan in my noodle if I see that phenotype happening to her:thanks: man!