Grow Mediums Valentino First DWC Journal

hey guys, thanks for all the tips...rockwool plants are still the same, not moving at all so i just let them in the propagation kit....I finally went and bought the rooting sponges and as soon as i opened the package i knew it was going to work.

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I only planted 1 Autodaiquiri Lime since i was going away for 4 days and didn't want to waste any more seeds.....planted it and left, came back last night and found this baby :D

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and with a nice root OUTSIDE the sponge... I planted the AutoBlackberry Kush too last night and today i just put the Daiquiri Lime into her new bucket home


15 liter water
4ml of Grow,Micro,Bloom Advanced Nutrients Ph Perfect
4ml of AN Voodoo Juice
4ml of AN Sensi Cal-Mag Extra
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Your rockwoll cubes are waaaaaaaaaaaay too wet. With rockwool you want to just take the cube and set it on top of the water for just a SECOND and let it absorb into the bottom half of the cube. If it is soaking wet it will drown the root
Too bad about that blackberry kush that's why I'm growing and I kind of wanted to see how it would go in deep water culture.

Hard to tell with the led, but it looks like your seedling could be under some stress. Could you by chance get a picture under normal light?
i will get some more blackberry, i was looking forward to that one too.

here are the pics
Days since seed was planted: 11
Days since its in DWC: 7
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Update time

She just had her first water change and i swear that she double in size overnight

12 liter water
12ml of Grow,Micro,Bloom Advanced Nutrients Ph Perfect
6ml of AN Voodoo Juice
6ml of AN B-52
12ml of AN Sensi Cal-Mag Extra

Days since seed was planted: 25
Days since its in DWC: 21



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