Grow Mediums Valentino First DWC Journal

HotBunzzzzzzzz your journal inspired me to start a DWC plant! Ok i shall get 2 300W!

jingo, i will propably start the seeds saturday night or sunday! It will be fun to compare my plants to someone more experienced than I.

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OK! Saturday everything came!
First of all these 2


then two of these puppies


So yesterday was my birthday and i soaked 2 seeds for 24 hours in water and then put them in rockwool plugs again that i soaked with ph'ed water this time. The blackberry opened and tiny tiny root was out while it was in the water.


i will leave them about a week in the propagation tray and move them in their new environment after

Alright dude I see you got your seeds. I put an auto Blackberry Kush & a Durban Poison into cups of water and I'm going to start a vast n fast also but I don't think I'm going to document that one.

So I'm going to be about 3 days behind you with that blackberry kush. I'm planning on growing tree style but I understand they can be monsters even as trees.
Everything looks ok so far! I put the propagation kit under one of the leds and here is where i am now


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Everything looks ok so far! I put the propagation kit under one of the leds and here is where i am now


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Looking good! Get them out of the prop tray and into their bucket
shouldnt i wait a couple more days for the root to come out the rockwool??

They don't have roots out of the rockwool already? I am not a big fan of rockwool. I feel it holds to much water at this early stage.
Yeah I despise rockwool also. When I was doing deep water culture I switched over to GH rapid rooters Coco plugs pre charged with nutrients real easy.
not yet :/ my previous ones died because of rockwool and ordered this kit with the root sponges but the guy send me rockwool plugs by mistake and thought i would give them another go! Any suggestions of what i shall do??
Your seedlings look healthy enough in that rockwool. So you must have flushed them and soaked them in ph balanced water? Or at least you got lucky. Now you can take excess water out of rockwool cubes but you should never squeeze it out.

I was just covering the basics with that little paragraph. Looking at your seedlings I think I would remove the humidity Dome. Get some air movement across the seedlings with your oscillating fan. And lower your lights a little bit. Now all of those recommendations make the assumption that you're somewhere above 30% humidity in your tent or your cupboard. The seedlings can tolerate a light Breeze with humidity above 30% if you're up in the 40 to 50% you're really looking good.

You can also start feeding them at this point. I'm a little high right now and I can't remember what you're using for nutrients. I guess I'll come back edit this post once I look at that.

Okay, I can see you're using Advanced Nutrients. I don't have any experience with that, but you could probably look at their seedling feed recommendations cut that in half and be safe. Then you can look at your plant and determine if it needs more or less.

Anyway with the top off your humidity Dome and feeding your seedlings Etc I think you can leave them in that little tray for a bit you don't want to have water standing in there at any time and you can shake out excess water.