Lighting using both blue 6500k and red 2700k

Only if you have the electrics to hang them both, if not then start with blue, swap over to red a week into flower.
Dual spec CFLs are more than fine thats why i pulled over 70g from one auto under a 300w Dual CFL The veg growth is great flowering fruits are perfect the plants adapt to dual spec Lamps this is only my oppinion as ive used them through and through :smokebuds:
yes si ! you got it. the sun dont change spectrum! i change from 6500k to 2700k when they are in flower mode, but i only have place for three cfl socket's. if i had room i would run both spectrum's from begininig to end.:peace:
the sun dont change spectrum!

No but the angle sunlight hits out atmosphere allows different wavelengths through. Mid summer is more blue, late autumn is more red. Hence cannabis's preference for blue in veg, red in flower. Auto's take that season and shrink it, outdoors only longer auto's or in areas with short summers will get their ideal light. Indoors you can simulate it by swapping lights from blue to red.
so would using the blue and red light at the same time simulate a dual spectrum light bulb ?
but if autos flower under ne light why wud we need 2 change light, will it induce flowering ?
which makes me think to just run both
i just spoke to my partner and he said that running both blue and red wont be of an advantage and if i want to run two would hav to be of the same spec, because dual specs are purple and running my blue nd red wudnts be the same, anyone to add to that ?
im still kinda confused wether or not to run both at the same time
With cfl there's no exact way to do it mate,its personal choice and some will say run blues then switch to reds,others will say run a mix from start to finish.if you buy enough of both,and get your self set up you can see you what think works best for you.the beauty is your plants will grow whatever way you choose to go.:smokebuds: