Mephisto Genetics Unique taken a Ride on The Fantsamo Express

Glad to see [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] back in your good graces. Patience will probably be rewarded. :thumbsup:
well you know me bro, I always want to pull the ones like that then somehow they end up being my nicest/biggest I know that won't be the case here but am hoping it will do something... I haven't been very happy with these two, the runt even more so if you look at size of the leaves they WILL-NOT get any larger, she much better branched then [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] which is even more odd....For what-ever reason this one is just a true runt I guess?? I never had one so tiny ever, geezee even that bubblekush I did that was a max height of 18 whole inches I got like 2.7oz, I highly doubt I'll see that from either one of these and one is 24inches now but doesn't have the structure for that amount just yet and I'm not sure she will fill in enough to hit that amount...The light is wicked high above [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] over 30inches @24inches the other plants got excellent growth...this I can't even seem to force to stretch, I'm really trying hard though....I have updates I can show from yesterday I think ya seen in my other threads..maybe not same pics though..
Hey Guys here is update @day30 , number 1 is close to 24" just slightly under in these photo's(now at 24inches,Next update will probably be 25-26in I would think..the height is not what concerns me about this plant she just taking her sweet ass time to really do anything, there isn't been much changes since my last update, i guess thats more or less what this update is for...I wanted show what kind of growth in last 2days Height wise yeah she grew up a tad bit but I also raised the light so she kinda had no choice the lower parts just are not seeming to do what they should be doing, Like stretching up :p , like shooting off other branching, nothing really... I still keep hoping they will wake from their coma and freaking do something! My god.....:pop::smokeout::pass:
I always thought that sativa heavy girls take a bit longer to spring into action. How long after the others did the little one pop?
I always thought that sativa heavy girls take a bit longer to spring into action. How long after the others did the little one pop?
yeah sometimes they do, we'll see what happens... I think the runt was maybe a week after that popped(after FE#1), I have written down somewhere.
Hey Guy's here is another update of MY Fantasmo Express @Day 32 & I forgot to look up date on other one, next update...Anyways, it looks like things possibly might be starting to pick up here... I guess you can be the judge for yourself, It seems to me they both starting do slightly better..Enjoy!:d5::thumbsup::smokeout::pass:

I like the little one. She's cute and perky. :baby: I bet she'll steal the show in a few more weeks. Seems to have a fuller branching behavior. :jointman:
I like the little one. She's cute and perky. :baby: I bet she'll steal the show in a few more weeks. Seems to have a fuller branching behavior. :jointman:
Would be nice is she does that... You know how many times I wanted to just yank that one out and start over? I never ever do it and for whatever reason half the time them end up being the nicest...:shrug::pop::smokeout:
I like the little one. She's cute and perky. :baby: I bet she'll steal the show in a few more weeks. Seems to have a fuller branching behavior. :jointman:
that runt looks like a clone, am not sure if you can notice in the photo's but in person everytime I see it, I'm like wow that thing looks more like a clone branching all off-set like a clone would be...