Me too! I'm not trying to brag, lol; Burned 36% of body: 4 mos. hospitalized, multiple surgeries and years of recovery, $400,000.00+ @ 1983 pricing; Diverticulitis (I should have died from infection) and 1 mos. hospitalization, came out addicted to pain killers and a colostomy bag for 6 mos. Reversal surgery on colostomy went bad and I developed a leak and infection set in AGAIN, 8 hours emergency surgery (surgeon told wife to pray, he didn't know if I'd make it) and another month in ICU. Second reversal a year later, 2 weeks hospitalization. $500,000.00+ @ 2008 or so pricing. Hernia surgery because of all the adhesions in my gut, another 2 weeks hospitalization (my recovery time had slowed greatly by this time) and another $50,000.00. Every day is a Holiday