Indoor UnholyFire's Multi Strain Test Grow


AFN Assimilated
Dec 5, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Friends, This will be a test grow of Purple Mazar, Dr. FeelGood and Snow White all by breeder *stitch*. I'll have a few Blue Himalaya in the mix as well because its my favorite strain
I will be using 208w of CFL bulbs.
The soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Pots are 1gal
Nutes are Fox Farm Trio- Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom with Grandma's molasses, Epson Salt, Powdered Egg Shells, and some Hydrated Lime

Here we go>>>
8-29-12 dropped 3 seeds each of PM, DFG,& SW. Will let them soak for 18hrs then transfer them to a paper towel on a heating pad to germ.
I also have 2 BH growing in a 22oz cup in the cab as i have to keep the BH on hand at all times because it helps my wife with her seizures.
If she can feel one coming on she will smoke BH and it goes away. If she has a seizure then will smoke after and her recover time from feeling drained, sore, and just totally out of it went from 2 to 3 days down to less than 24hrs :clap::jump:
I'm going to update every 2 days on here and 4 or more others forums.
As always all advice is very welcome. Thank you for stopping by:D:peace:


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i have a front row seat!:jump::pop:i am a submariner!:wiz: germ karma and zamboogie sent your way!:buds:
Sweet deal UF! :clap: I'm really happy for you and your wife, that the BH is so good for her! :jump:

Well, go on then- do 'em up! :howdy: Happy Growing!! :ladies:

astronomy420 & Noods, so glad your here. Thanks my friends!
Nice - Fire - Time for the major league action. I use your germ method to the T (or tee). You don't hold any intellectual property rights on it--do you :D.
subbing subbing SUBBING!!!... i can feel another great adventure coming up!.. :pop: :booya:
Hey Alan! Welcome aboard bro. Ha! Intellectual property to it, Doubtful as i have very little intellect left Very glad it's working for you too Use at your leisure friend. 2 of the 3 purple mazar has a tint bit of tap root sticking out after the 18 hour soak in water. I still gently moved them to the damp paper towel and on a heating pad for maybe 6 more hours. I just would like a bit more root before i plant. Got all my pots filled with soil and ready to go today.

Here are links to 3 forums where i'm also posting the grow journal for *stitch* and working on one more>>>
for your BH's ... on the 22oz,.. do they stay there from start to finish?.. ;)
Welcome shauninspace. Glad your here too bro :peace:
for your BH's ... on the 22oz,.. do they stay there from start to finish?.. ;)

Yes shauninspace, And I have went from 15g or less wet and 3 or 4g dry to 29g and 33g wet and around 10g+ dry per plant. This BH thats almost finished now is going to ez go 45g+ wet. The 22oz or a 32oz cup works great if your limited to space. you can pick them up at the dollar store around here, 1$ for 4. I get 8, one for the plant and one for drainage cup. I'll get some pics up of it on my old thread.