Outdoor Uncle Eek's Cabin

:D muahaaa
Walipini seem almost custom designed for cannabis growing hehehe ...and very suited to your mountainous terrain....I SWEARS ah saw a bigfoot amongst that whiteshite! hehehe a couple of rocket mass water heaters built in and one could tend the garden buck nekkid!
There is a thread around here somewhere's, where JM built an underground furnace for his greenhouse. He lives where it's real cold, and can grow a lot more than most, late into the season.

I really don't have any room here unless I grow indoors. We want to move as soon as humanly possible, so I really don't want to start something now. If we can get a place by May, I will be happy. Lower elevation = better climate.

You have been gone, so you may not have known that we had moved to a place where there were two acres to mess with. Had a nice medical operation going. All the plants were more than 8 feet except a few. It was my first big year. I had lots of Amnesia Haze genetics in my garden, and some Big Bang, White widow, etc. (30 of them).

I want that back.

But I am a patient person in that respect. I just need to be whole. We will get there.

Peace all.

The great wheel of life turns and sooner or later one comes out on top again...
Having come sooo close and then having to start again....th@ a real PITA, but sure enough things will improve.

Here are a few things we have been doing to keep busy...
We have a lack of sun, but the need to grow something was strong.

Wee Willie Mix, Dragon's Blood and Cilantro in a shoe hanger.
I pulled the Cilantro today.
The peppers and Sage are doing well.

Eek got me this nice cart.

I've got bottles and jars of stuff all over!
Eek and I are trying to use the vape pens instead of smoking...
I made these holders with soapstone
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Hey @Root I too am quitting the stoooooooopid cigarettes one thing that I have found that helped me A LOT is to get less PG(propylene glycol) and more VG I get a 90/10 blend and it literally is the reason I don't smoke any more. I tried vaping at first it was waaaaaaaay to harsh, so I almost gave up and the lady at the vape shop suggested that I lower my PG and sure enough it made all the difference in the world. You have to go to a vape shop that mixes their own juice though, but it is totally worth it! Oh and the soapstone holder is tha booommmmmb!
Hey @derek420colorado
Thanks for the tips...
Time and distance are the only things keeping me from a vape shop.
Is there a good place online to go?

We finally decided to start a few autos...only three...we named them the Sun Chasers...
Ravi - is sun in India, Helios - is god of the sun in Greece and of course You Better Call Saul
We put them in the sunshine

then the shade find them

I'm not sure if we will be able to trust the Garden Puppy when we are able to have a garden! She has developed a fondness for stems.

The Elfin Thyme is starting to flower.

@Root I DO know of a shop Phoenix Vapor Shop in Austin! They will do a custom blend for you and ship it to you, The COOKIE MONSTER IS THE BEST!!! When I lived in CO two years ago I could only vape their juice so I would have them ship it to me. Just go to there site and order the 80/20 VG PG mix and then whatever nic level and flavor, like I said the cookie monster is all I vaped for like a year
Started out with just the tobacco thinking it would be like smoking flavor. Lol
The only flavor I have liked so far is the Coffee Frappe'. I mix it with 24mg tobacco.
I can and sometimes do, drink coffee all day...I like tasting the frappe' without the sugar, so I kind of like vaping it.
I absolutely Love the smell and taste of peaches, but I don't like the Peaches N Cream or the Grape.

I'll check them out...Lol I might be a tough customer to please :biggrin:

I have just started playing around with making my own again since the fire.
eth extractions with VG mixed with the juices above or I reuse Eek's cartridges from the spensary.
I made one with honey, but I have a problem with it staying in suspension.

We have a Frog hanging in the tree.
