Outdoor Uncle Eek's Cabin

Can you vape butter? Lol

With the small cartridges, I can warm them in my hand and shake...seems to work.

No but it would keep the THC suspended, I tried sooooo hard to make a vapeable ejuice and just ended up with a sticky ass kitchen
Hey Everyone, thought I would join the party.

What's happening GA, got any vape advice? I am okay with the Grape, but the peaches and cream is not a fave. Mixed together is okay too, heh heh.
Hello Everyone, Guess a bit of an update is in order.

Everyone here is good, @Root had some dental work done, so has been a little on the mend. The dogs are mostly good. Marley is a little over 1 1/2 years old, and spry as ever

Marley chewing on a cannabis stem.

"This stick tastes like chicken!"

Roxie has had a bad hip lately. She is about 10 years old now, and it is catching up with her. Her mind is still sharp, but she is often outfoxed by Marley, who it seems has an intelligence beyond the normal K9 I think

We have been making canna dog cookies for Roxy, it helps. She never had much pain with the hip before, but she had a recent incident, and now for the last week and half or so, has had a bit of pain as well. So the cookies help. She notices how they work, and now anticipates her cookies. Marley just loves to eat, period.

Here are some of the canna dog cookies (Low dose)

Here is Roxie wanting to play. She always wants to play, and is an extemist. Probably why she has a bad hip. It will also flare up after she swims, or strenuous activity. Notice the Duct tape repair job.

"How about a game of horseshoes?"

This is Marley helping Root make shatter. "When the goodies be done mommy."

We have other things going on as well. We have taken the vital outdoor plants indoors. We are expecting snow this week. We have also had much rain so far this season too. Expecting more before the snow gets here also.

I have a new job. From small retail fishing store, to a grocery store. Big change, but I think it's gonna work out for the best. This store was an icon during the fire for the support they gave the community. I wanted to work there for that reason.

We had our deck removed and a patio put in. It was a budget job, but the landlord is cheap. Then again, so is the rent, heh heh heh.

So here is a before and after photo of the cabin. It has a nice new composition roof, compared to that old "fire starter" shaker roof. Plus, no leaks. Guess he ain't so cheap after all.


No offense to the LL, but we want to move as soon as possible. We expect a lot more out of 2017. It is "Our" year.




Uncle Eek
No offense to the LL, but we want to move as soon as possible. We expect a lot more out of 2017. It is "Our" year.

Fingers and Toes Crossed for you both....:wizzy:..2017..make it Happen...:smokeout:..group karma Cloud..

Send @Root my Love..:bighug:
Hello Everyone, Guess a bit of an update is in order.

Everyone here is good, @Root had some dental work done, so has been a little on the mend. The dogs are mostly good. Marley is a little over 1 1/2 years old, and spry as ever

Marley chewing on a cannabis stem.

"This stick tastes like chicken!"
View attachment 671840

Roxie has had a bad hip lately. She is about 10 years old now, and it is catching up with her. Her mind is still sharp, but she is often outfoxed by Marley, who it seems has an intelligence beyond the normal K9 I think

We have been making canna dog cookies for Roxy, it helps. She never had much pain with the hip before, but she had a recent incident, and now for the last week and half or so, has had a bit of pain as well. So the cookies help. She notices how they work, and now anticipates her cookies. Marley just loves to eat, period.

Here are some of the canna dog cookies (Low dose)
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Here is Roxie wanting to play. She always wants to play, and is an extemist. Probably why she has a bad hip. It will also flare up after she swims, or strenuous activity. Notice the Duct tape repair job.

"How about a game of horseshoes?"
View attachment 671863

This is Marley helping Root make shatter. "When the goodies be done mommy."
View attachment 671854

We have other things going on as well. We have taken the vital outdoor plants indoors. We are expecting snow this week. We have also had much rain so far this season too. Expecting more before the snow gets here also.

I have a new job. From small retail fishing store, to a grocery store. Big change, but I think it's gonna work out for the best. This store was an icon during the fire for the support they gave the community. I wanted to work there for that reason.

We had our deck removed and a patio put in. It was a budget job, but the landlord is cheap. Then again, so is the rent, heh heh heh.

So here is a before and after photo of the cabin. It has a nice new composition roof, compared to that old "fire starter" shaker roof. Plus, no leaks. Guess he ain't so cheap after all.

View attachment 671871

No offense to the LL, but we want to move as soon as possible. We expect a lot more out of 2017. It is "Our" year.




Uncle Eek
Thanks for the share Eek, canna canine treats, just what us old dogs need. Watch your back! Snow com'in