What strains do you have going mate. ? They look like early strains from a few years ago. Lol .
Yep the fcxfs is old the tri kush at least last years and double grape are old to. Couple of new dp test strains with no names yet, well i know what they are :yeah:
Carly no doubt going to be a huge player in the Marketplace, with the facilities being built on the IOM. GLo selling up to 25 per cent of its equity to UK patients and investor. Imagine a UK without the Carly‘s pushing forward.
Got more info on this? There is a LOT of ill feeling towards her approach from regular decrim people but obviously not from Med users.
The Can card is a total scam I'm afraid, it's a way of the GOV, to track, trace and data base you :sad:. I really looked into it and unfortunately that's what I found. Some peeps got the card but many thousands still haven't...
i agree with @Dank Nuggets a lot of people its helped also folks from losing their tenancy where they live plus its only about 20 quid and if you were short they even say they help people who haven't got one
It works for us get letter from your clinic can travel even drive don't listen to scare Mungers just do it
well worth it ive had mine now for years and peace of mind if a big thing
After seeing how good @St. Tom plants looked decided to grab myself some bio tabs and so far it’s defo for me just love how easy it is no ph no nothing just water every day or 2 no fussView attachment 1621983
A room full @Sawney_bean strains
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And two new Dutch passion test strain baby’s just up.
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wow ive turned you all onto these lol
i agree with @Dank Nuggets a lot of people its helped also folks from losing their tenancy where they live plus its only about 20 quid and if you were short they even say they help people who haven't got one

well worth it ive had mine now for years and peace of mind if a big thing

wow ive turned you all onto these lol
Yep your puffs and kerosene krash last grow made me try out bio tabs on a auto run b4 going back to photoperiods for winter with Leeroy strain looking for a mum keeper. As for can card we had trouble with school saying boys clothing smelled like weed, showed head can card said my bad was up early had a smoke i normally go outside but was raining won't happen again. Now i spray him with bubble gum deodorizer so he smell like a hubbabubba. Head teachers fine now apart from she knows im stoned, just like being bk in school again:smoker1:
Slightly of topic with regards to growing, however I can't resist sharing what Fortune has to say, I've been waiting for this episode ;) the first hour is free.

Interesting, can I ask what’s the upset? I’m pro anybody fighting the great fight.
It's pretty complicated but basically, it's felt by some other campaign groups that Barton took their inertia and resources (massive amounts of community-generated research) to create Cancard. Everyone was impressed to begin with until someone did the maths and realised what a cash cow the card was and were left wondering where the money was going. Decriminalisation was on everyone's lips a few years back so these groups were expecting Barton/cancard to back the bigger picture and be part of the push. That didn't happen and a lot of money was raised via cancard. Fair enough, it was her idea and she got it off the ground but it was considered unhelpful at the time as it helped cement the medical/recreational divide. I think she's amazing but at the same time I do not support her card for the reasons above. Last I heard, some police accept it but the rest don't know about it. I say if you have a prescription and get hassled by the cops, sue the cunts.
Has anyone got more recent info on cancard and Barton?
I tell you who is doing GREAT things at the moment, Guy Coxall at Seed our Future. He's working (for free) at getting people off cannabis related court appearances. So often the police don't have a scooby about the changes to the law and surprisingly frequently bring BS cases to court. A good example is medical patients an driving. You can drive high as long as you are not impaired. No amount of blood tests can determine how impaired you are. He's very good and I donate a little money each month to him. If you are ever in trouble with the law about weed (no matter medical or not) get in touch with Guy!