I'm on my third clippy fan now, I've tried prepping them with WD but they're just not designed to last. I'll be interested to see how you get on with that Infinity unit.

After every run I WD my 6" fans, opening them up as well to get to the motors inside. I've only had to replace a couple these past few years.
Only just replaced one of my original ones when I first started. Must have been nearly 6yrs old.

Funny thing any fans I've bought and have been marketed to the canna community has crapped out on me first. The cheap ones from our discount hardware store last way longer.
What better way to injoy the evening spliff on the beach wile fishing perfect
Wake & bake
Backs giving me hell and can't get comfortable,
So why not open up one of the bags of Sawney_beans Lecter.
Aromas from the bag is rocking. Got like a fuely caramel smell.
The grovebags have made things alot easier.
Thanks again @Sawney_bean
Now excuse me while I hit the bong and try get some relief so I can maybe get an hour sleep again before I'm up to get my Adhd child to school and sort the animals out. :hookah:
Good morning my UK growmies and very happy Friday to all.

Rise and shine The W&B bell is ringing and It's that time again, no skimping it Friday double dabs by 9pm is in order.


@Born slippy. Who did you order your Groves bags from
Good morning my UK growmies and very happy Friday to all.

Rise and shine The W&B bell is ringing and It's that time again, no skimping it Friday double dabs by 9pm is in order.

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@Born slippy. Who did you order your Groves bags from
Riviera horticulture mate
Came in 2 days
How’s it going uk gro bros? I haven’t been here in a while due to being insanely busy with….. well, life tbh. Yeah hope you are all well.
This rise in energy prices has really gripped my shit and tbh it’s threatening my continue grows. I have a single tube T5 that I use for propagation so wondering if it’s worth using it for veg? What do you guys think? Is this doable or should I just get a bottom end led or cfl?